The Grapevine
The Grapevine October 2012, Volume 6, Issue 10
Official Publication of Sonoma Homeowners Association
Please drive slowly and watch out for “TRICK-or-TREATERS” on Wednesday, October 31st!!
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine - October 2012
The Grapevine BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Donna Kohn.......................... VICE PRESIDENT Carl Anderson............... SECRETARY Doug White............................ TREASURER Will Smith.............................. MEMBER AT LARGE Charles
COMMITTEES POOL CHAIR Charlie LANDSCAPE CHAIR Donna SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Cyndi Wasserboehr...................... NEWSLETTER Amy WEBSITE............................ Goodwin Management Company
MANAGEMENT CO. Property Manager: Earline Wakefield 11149 Research Blvd. Suite 100, Austin, TX 78759-5227 Voicemail: 512-502-7526 Cell: 512-470-5104 Fax: 512-346-4873 E-mail:
NEWSLETTER INFO NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Inc....................................................... 512-263-9181 Article Submissions..... Advertising...............................
IMPORTANT NUMBERS Emergency.......................................................................911 Fire Department.................................................... 218-5590 Poison Control ............................................... 800-764-7661 Police Department ................................................ 218-5500 Round Rock Hospital............................................ 341-1000 Williamson County Sheriff’s Department.............. 246-1155 Post Office- 2250 Double Creek Road............ 800-275-8777 Blackland Praire Elementry School......................... 424-8600 Ridgeview Middle School....................................... 424-8400 Stony Point High School........................................ 428-7000 Cedar Ridge High School....................................... 704-0100 City of Round Rock Website ........................................
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS TO YOUR NEIGHBORS Support Your Community Newsletter Ryan Lundberg
Sales Manager
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The Grapevine - October 2012
PEEL, INC. community newsletters Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine Upcoming Sonoma Social Events for 2012 10/27/2012
Kids Halloween Party at Barefoot Park Wear your costume..Petty Zoo and fun for the whole family 3pm-5pm
We Always Need An Extra Set Of Eyes Please report any broken sprinklers or other irrigation irregularities to This would include any areas sprinkling when you think they shouldn’t or any water coming from sprinkler heads in an improper fashion. Currently the watering days for commercial property are Tuesday and Friday. Thank you for your assistance.
Santa Claus Returns to Sonoma 11am-1pm Our events are drawing more Sonoma families than ever and your help is needed to ensure their success. If you could volunteer an hour or two of your time for any event, please contact Cyndi Wasserboehr @ or 512-294-2183.
From One Neighbor To Another
Sonoma is a family neighborhood made up of residents of all ages. Please be considerate when parking in your driveway to not block the sidewalk. We don’t want young children, the elderly or handicapped neighbors to have to walk into the street to get around these cars…it is just not safe for them to have to do so! Thanks you for your consideration and for asking your guests to7.5 doxthe Prmrs_66435 _- Rdns Gen Ad #1804 -THIS AD CAN NOT BE EDITED5 same!!
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8/31/11 2012 5:03 PM 3 The Grapevine - October
The Grapevine Overnight Parking Overnight parking on our streets is becoming an issue in Sonoma. Just a reminder, it is violation of the CC & Rs to park a vehicle overnight on any street in Sonoma. If you, or a guest, are found in violation of this rule, you as the homeowner, can be subject to a fine.
Round Rock Citizen Police Academy The Round Rock Police Department is now accepting applications for our 24th Citizen Police Academy (CPA) scheduled to begin on September 11, 2012. The Round Rock CPA is an 11-week program that gives community members opportunities to experience some of the first-hand realities of life as a police officer. The Citizen Police Academy class is free for anyone interested in attending. This is one of many continued efforts to develop citizen awareness and understanding of the role of law enforcement. Contact Officer Claypool: for information about the upcoming academy
Halloween Tips
PORCH LIGHTS - a porch light on means fair game for Trick-OrTreating. If you are not distributing candy or are done for the evening, please turn your lights off. And Trick-Or-Treaters…if you see a porch light off, be respectful and move on to the next illuminated house. HELLO? - Knock or ring the bell no more than twice. If the door isn’t answered within a minute despite the porch light being on, assume you’ve gotten one of those folks who didn’t read Tip 1. FRIGHTENING LIMITS – If you are the person who wants to jump out of the coffin tucked in the corner of your front porch, please make sure that the age of the ‘victim’ is appropriate. While pee will wash off concrete, you might ruin the night for a dressed up 2 year-old princess. WALKING - Stay on sidewalks or pathways. Don’t take short cuts through lawns or flowerbeds. Manners matter - Saying “Trick-or-Treat” before and “Thank You” afterward is a small price for collecting free candy on Halloween. GAME OVER - Don’t Trick-or-Treat after 9pm. Families with children or older people may well be in bed after that. TRAFFICKING – Vehicles: drive extra slow and look for kids. Chaperones/Kids: Stay off roads as much as possible. BLINDED BY THE LIGHT - Glow sticks, reflectors, flashlights – all are good to make your kids visible to anyone who fails at Tip 6. FLAME OFF!! - Jack-o-lanterns/candles set a spooky mood, but open flames near dangling costume sleeves and flammable accessories is dangerous. Consider battery-powered tea lights. THANKS… - If you’re going to give out goodies to Trick-or-Treaters, buy individually wrapped treats. Save special homemade goodies and fresh fruit as presents for the folks you know rather than strangers who are coming to your door Trick-or-Treating. R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Not everyone celebrates the holiday, or celebrates it in the same way you do. We live in a community with diverse beliefs and views. Please show respect as you yourself would want to be respected. DON’T SCARE THE LITTLE ONES TOO BADLY! – If you’ve got a really creepy costume to answer the door, or you decorate your house from sidewalk to front porch in graveyard chic – remember that what can be delightfully frightening to older kids and adults can terrify toddlers and young kids. Before jumping out of bushes, screaming when you open doors or leaping out of fake coffins at Trick-or-Treaters, take a quick glance to make sure they’re of an appropriate age-group to enjoy such a scare. Save the best frights for those who can really appreciate them. You’ll have more fun, and the parents of the little kids will be grateful. Having to take home a hysterical Trick-or-Treater who has been scared witless on their first time out is no fun for anyone.
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The Grapevine - October 2012
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine
Bullying: What To Watch
Helping Parents Understand the Signs
Has your child suddenly had declining grades or unexplained injuries? Have they purposely been trying to avoid school? They could be the victims of bullying. “Bullying is a widespread problem among children, especially teenagers,” says Beth Nauert, M.D., a Texas pediatrician. “Bullying should always be taken very seriously by parents, educators, and the authorities.” BULLYING SIGNS Children who are bullied are repeatedly exposed to aggressive, negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and have difficulty defending themselves, says Dr. Nauert. Some clear signs of bullying that parents should watch for include: • unexplainable injuries, • lost or destroyed clothing, books, electronics, or jewelry, • feeling sick or faking illness, • changes in eating habit, • difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares, • not wanting to go to school, • running away from home. ACTION PLAN FOR PARENTS Because children who are bullied may be reluctant to talk about it, parents who suspect bullying should take immediate action to help their children, says Dr. Nauert. “Parents need to find out from their child who is doing the bullying, whether the bullying was verbal, physical, or cyberbullying, and where and when the bullying is happening,” she says. “They should then speak with their teacher, principal, school administrators, or local law enforcement.”
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Make an impact. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine - October 2012
The Grapevine
Crossword CROSSWORD Puzzle PUZZLE ACROSS DOWN ACROSS DOWN 1. Legume Shopping mallpiece 1. Charge 1.1.Nativity scene 4. Rolled up paper 2. Swiss mathematician 5. Syrian bishop 2. Competition at the Greek Carry Open 9.10. Against 11. Irrational fear 4. Energetic 10. Landing 3. Capital of the Ukraine 12. Wing 5. Amulet 11. Leaves 4. Symbol 13. Animal disease 6. Fleece 12. Boom box 5. Expression of surprise 14. Gentle breeze 7. Off-Broadway award 13. 6.8.Emblem 16.Allure Eastern Time Fish stories 15. 7.9.Pickle juice 17.African Region antelope Endure 16. Polite 8. A ball out 18. Military policeman (abbr.) 15. Held of bounds (2 wds.) 18. green (abbr.) 10. violently 20.Leafy Deutschmark 19.Twist School group 21. Marry 14. Ripper 22. Meat alternative 21. Nautical "friend" 22. 17. 26.Esophagus Slumber 23.Strums Eight 26. 18. 29.Woken Bayer's competitor 24.Slough Female singer ___ Apple 28. 19. ___, philanthropist 31.Goad Pilot 25.Ross Single 29. 20. 33.Type Pull of tooth 26.Gods Space ship builders 34.Refer Seed remover 27.Brand Declare positively cookie 30. 23. of sandwich 35.Posttraumatic East northeast stress 28.Seaweed Landingsubstance 31. 24. 36.disorder Gully 30.Cabana Roman emperor 25. 37.Sieve Little bit 32.Blue Hoopla 32. 27. © 2007. Feature Exchange
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ACROSS DOWN 1. Legume 1. Shopping mall 4. Rolled up paper 2. Swiss mathematician clebrate our new store opening 10. Carry in3. bee Open cave 139254.W. Energetic Hwy 71 11. Irrational fear Bee Cave, TX 78738 12. Wing 5. Amulet 512-263-2600 A+ Rating Since 1971 13. Animal disease 6. Fleece Come visit usbreeze at one of our Austin area7.locations. 14. Gentle Off-Broadway award 16. Eastern Time 8. Fish stories 17. Region 9. Endure 18. Military policeman (abbr.) 15. Held Store hours all locations: 20. Deutschmark group PRESENT THIS (abbr.) AD FOR 7 19. am - 7 School pm M-F 7 am - 6 pm Saturday 22. Meat alternative 21. Nautical "friend" 26. Slumber 23. Eight ANY REGULARLY PRICED SERVICE 29. Bayer's competitor 24. Female singer ___ Apple 31. Pilot 25. Single OIL CHANGE OR A/C CHECK 33. Pull 26. Space ship builders 34. Seed remover 27. Declare positively 35.OFFERS East northeast 28. Landing EXPIRE 12/12/12 up to 5 quarts of 5W30 or 10W30. 36.Includes Gully 30. Roman emperor Specialty filters, diesel, synthetic blends or other extra. Freon, dye and recharge extra if 37.weights Little bit 32. Hoopla needed. For most cars. See manager for details.
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The Grapevine - October 2012
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The Grapevine
Thank you for making Austin Sports Arena the #1 location in Central Texas for Roller Skating, Birthday Parties, Fundraisers, and Inline Hockey! Redeem This coupon for Free Quad Skate Rentals for the entire family or receive 10% off your next Birthday Party! [One Use Per Family] Call (512) 251-7500 or Email 3918 Gattis School Road, Round Rock Texas 78664 Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine - October 2012
The Grapevine
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AD Visit Clin ic. for flu com upd shot ate s.
My Health. My Doctor. My ADC. ADC Main 12221 MoPac Expwy N. Internal Medicine 2nd floor, South 3rd floor, North ADC Cedar Bend 2400 Cedar Bend Dr. EasyCare Adults & Teens Family Practice
The Grapevine - October 2012
Immunizations are not just for kids. Adults should receive a flu shot each year and those over 65 years should discuss getting a pneumonia shot with their doctor. If you are unsure about which immunizations you need, ask your doctor, or visit for more information. The Austin Diagnostic Clinic 512-901-1111 Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.