OUTLOOK News for the Residents of The Dominion
Every holiday season, department stores reveal their biggest deals way before we ever touch the Thanksgiving turkey. So, in the spirit of deal giving, we figured why not do the same. Residents can now receive up to $150 in rebates on purchases of compost or mulch, while businesses can earn up to $350 to help mitigate the effects the drought of the past two years has taken on lawns and landscapes. Although most turf and drought-tolerant plants will recuperate with adequate rain, applications of compost, top dressing and/or mulch to your lawn and beds will help boost their recovery. Here are some highlights of these limited-time rebates (in the form of a credit on your water bill): Residential Compost/Top Dressing Rebate: Up to $150 for purchasing a minimum of 2 cubic yards of compost. This increases the water-holding capacity of soil and reduces the need for supplemental water; compost also increases microorganism and macroorganism activity, enriching the soil with nutrients. Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
Residential Mulch Rebate: Up to $150 for purchasing a minimum of 2 cubic yards of mulch. This helps reduce soil moisture loss and increases infiltration of rain and irrigation water; mulch also encourages microorganisms and macroorganisms that assist with nutrient production. Only landscape projects started after Nov. 14, 2012 are eligible for rebates. Program ends when all available rebates have been awarded, or Dec. 31, 2012, whichever comes first. There are also commercial rebates available up to $350 for the purchase of mulch or compost (top dressing). Visit for FAQs, rebate applications and detailed information. We encourage you to take advantage of these rebates now. Just like the hurried holiday season, these limited-time offers will be over before you know it. Mark A. Peterson is the conservation project coordinator for San Antonio Water System. The Outlook - December 2012
EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY................................................................911
The Outlook is mailed monthly to all Dominion residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to include information about their organizations in the newsletter. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, and birthday announcements are also welcome. To submit an article for The Outlook please email it to The deadline is the 20th of the month prior to the issue.
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MISSION STATEMENT The Outlook, For The Dominion The mission of The Outlook is to provide The Dominion Community with one source of local news content that is written by Dominion residents. Our goal is to help build the community by connecting local businesses with residents and residents with relevant neighborhood information.
"Be the community."
The Outlook - December 2012
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Jean Gross REALTOR 35 years in the business Luxury Property Analyst Realty Executives of San Antonio
Sales in The Dominion by Jean Gross I have worked & lived in The Dominion for over a decade. I am totally committed to my neighborhood & I thank all my Buyers & Sellers who have given me their business over the years. Please feel free to call me for accurate market information. 2 Amber Glen
44 Champions Lane
6 Davenport
6 Kings Castle
3 Trophy Green
10 Ashley Green
51 Champions Lane
3 Eden Park
15 Kings View
2 Turin Court
17 Ashley Green
54 Champions Lane
6 Esquire
3 Links Green
10 Tuscany
3 Belcourt
57 Champions Lane
12 Esquire
5 Links Green
18 Tuscany
13 Burnham Glen
59 Champions Lane
1 Duxbury
6 Links Green
7 Venice Court
23 Carriage Hills
83 Champions Lane
14 Duxbury Park
9 Links Green
4 Victory Green
12 Champions
97 Champions Lane
16 Galleria
2 Mallory
38 Vineyard
16 Champions Lane
1 Clubhouse Green
5 Henley
6 Morning Green
40 Vineyard
31 Champions Lane
2 Clubhouse Green
8 Highgate
8 Morning Green
9 Waterford Glen
39 Champions Lane
6 Cotswold
7306 Hovingham
2 Sarazen
136 Westcourt Lane
43 Champions Lane
10 Eton Green Circle
9 Kings Castle
4 Sarazen
7 Naples Court
DOMINION PRIVATE POOL ~ U-SHAPE Best location with premier site which backs to seasonal creek. Superior U-shaped layout. Master, Kitchen, Family, & Formals overlook Pool. Stainless appliances. Travertine, slate floors. Easy living, mini resort is 3 Bedrooms, 4 Baths, + Study. 3 Car Gar. 4 Morning Green $699,000
210.215.6778 Direct Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Outlook - December 2012
THE DOMINION NEWS A Dominion HOA Publication | November 2012
BONFIRE Join your neighbors, friends and family at the 2012 Annual Bonfire. It is scheduled for Sunday, November 18th at 5:00pm to 8:00pm. The 2012 Bonfire will have a true bonfire to be lit at 6:00pm. Don’t miss the entertainment of country music performance by “Ernie and Bob,” a Clown Balloonist Artist, Dixie the face painter artist, a cotton candy machine and popcorn. Our traditional food and drinks are compliments of the Dominion Country Club. The 2012 Bonfire will be held at The Pecan Grove between the eighth green and ninth tee on the golf course. Please bring your golf cart for easy access. Don’t miss it! SUPPER CLUB A HISTORY OF HOW IT ALL STARTED The Supper Club was founded in February, 1999, when five women got together in January to discuss another vehicle for new members of the club to get to know other club members. We wanted to partner with the Dominion Country Club and broaden the “family” aspect of events for the Dominion residents. The five women were Nancy Scantland, Cindy Stephenson, Mary Carmack, Linda Kohnen and Carole Minton. We asked Steve Richards, Executive Director of the club, to join us for our second meeting to ensure that what we were suggesting would be good for the club and to discuss various items for starting this “Club within a Club”. We decided it should be a dinner club with both the cocktail hour and dinner to be held at the club. We wanted the women not to have to prepare for a cocktail party as in Steak Night, but wanted them to enjoy the entire evening. We thought it should be held on the first Thursday of the month at 6 pm for cocktails and 7 pm for dinner. We then decided the way to start was to invite all the new members to the club within the past year. We started off with the five women along with their husbands and got together for dinner - kind of a trial run. The husbands thought it was a great idea and thought it had the possibility of success. Based on this we planned the next month as our first Supper Club, February 1999. Over the years, in order to encourage attendance, we tried holding Supper Club on various nights of the week and various weeks of the month. After trying Tuesdays, Wednesdays¸ Thursdays and Fridays, we decided to stick with first Thursday of each month. At that time we also established a Telephone Tree. Seven women agreed to make the calls. It really works as a means of communicating with our neighbors. As time went by, we incorporated various theme nights. We started with a Christmas celebration. With a resounding success, which led us to try other themes. We have had a Hawaiian dancer teach us the Hula; the San Antonio Opera on two occasions, Irish dancers and storytellers for St. Patrick’s day, Tango lessons, an evening of Jazz, and various other interesting people to speak. Several of our members are quite good in singing, displaying art, and playing musical instruments and have performed programs themselves. We have had various fun themes over the years with great success. Several years ago we decided that we should salute the military on the 4
The Outlook - December 2012
Supper Club night in November. We have asked TMI to bring their color guard from their cadet program to present the colors for the military and one of their cadets to sing the national anthem. That program has been repeated each year and we plan to continue it indefinitely. This evening is brought together each year by Brig. Gen. Gary Murray and Col. Dan Johnston. The original founding group has evolved, but Carole Minton continues to host the evenings along with Brig. Gen. Gary Murray. Additionally, for several years now other women have taken on responsibilities. Jeannie Murray, Deni Trautman, Beth Becka and Pat Huelsman work each month to create a great looking venue, organize program events, and assure the menu supports the theme of the night. The Supper Club group invites all residents who are club members, interested in attending Supper Club at 6PM on the first Thursday of every month, to call the club for reservations and Carol Minton at 698 -1127 or Jeannie Murray at 687-1045 for additional information. See y’all at Supper Club HOLIDAY FUND The Holiday Season is approaching fast. We will soon be sending a letter asking for contributions to the HOLIDAY APRECIATION FUND for the Dominion staff and security officers. The Holiday Appreciation Fund is a special way of showing how much we value them. Every staff member and security officer will receive a portion of the bonus. The entire amount received from residents will be distributed. Our community has extraordinarily dedicated security and HOA staff employees. Their devotion to service makes a difference in our quality of life. Please consider your contribution so that we can reward them appropriately. Thank you in advance for your support. TRAFFIC SAFETY Traffic safety is an ongoing concern of the Board of Directors and management at The Dominion Homeowners’ Association. Given the concern for safety, we urge all residents to comply with traffic laws, signs and to drive safe in the community. Driving in The Dominion is a relatively safe endeavor, as traffic volume and speed limits are typically lower than those you might find on roads of similar size outside of The Dominion. In addition, a vast majority of drivers in The Dominion obey traffic laws and drive safely. Unfortunately, the few that don’t obey traffic laws create the potential for accidents. You don’t need to be a traffic engineer to understand the importance of driving safely in a community where golf carts, bikers, runners and walkers use roadways alongside full size cars and large trucks. That being the case, it is strongly suggest residents exercise extra caution when operating a vehicle around golf carts, bikers, joggers and walkers. Incidentally, golf carts are allowed on Dominion Drive streets as long as drivers hold a valid driver’s license and obey traffic laws. Drivers of golf carts should be especially mindful and compliant with traffic laws since golf carts provide much less protection than cars. The Homeowners’ Association (HOA) takes an active role in enforcing (Continued on Page 6) Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
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The Outlook - December 2012
THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News- (Continued from Page 4) traffic laws. Some G4S Security personnel can and do issue traffic tickets to violators. Furthermore, the San Antonio Police Department can monitor and enforce traffic laws in The Dominion. The HOA plans to install more stop signs along The Dominion Drive and Brenthurst to slow traffic on these high traffic roads. The HOA will do all it can to promote traffic safety in The Dominion and maintain safe streets. However, in the end, the safety of our streets depends on individual drivers. We implore all residents to obey traffic laws and drive carefully. No one wants to be in an accident, especially one that causes injury. Please obey traffic laws and drive safely GUEST LISTS AND OPEN GATES All guests to the Dominion property must be pre-approved by resident for entry. For special events, parties and get-togethers please enter your guests in QuickPass so they experience minimal delay at the gates. Please do not ask security to give you an “Open Gate” because this in not permitted. Our officers must call you to clear any guests not on your QuickPass list. FRONTAGE ROAD SPEED LIMIT – 50MPH The San Antonio Police Department has been routinely using radar to control speeding on the frontage roads to and from The Dominion that parallels IH-10. The speed limit between Camp Bullis Road and Dominion Drive (on both frontage roads) is 50 mph. Several Dominion
residents and visitors have been cited by SAPD for frontage road speeding. Please watch your speed on these frontage roads. SEVERE WINTER WEATHER Winter is fast approaching and we have already experienced a taste of what is to come. Vehicle safety becomes even more important than before. Please make your vehicles winter ready. Antifreeze and tire pressure are just a couple of considerations. Safe drivers must take into account road conditions and speed as well. Let’s have an incident free winter. STOP SIGNS AT THE GATES The stop sign installation and striping are complete at all three gates. Please treat these as you would any other stop sign even if there is no car in front of you. If there is a car in front of you then please do not proceed until the gate is closing. In other words, only one vehicle per gate cycle is allowed. This is a safety measure to deter tailgaters and help keep our community as secure as possible. BASKETBALL GOALS Basketball goals/hoops are not allowed on streets, sidewalks, or driveways without prior approval by the Architectural Control Committee. Also, any exterior changes being made to a home or property must be submitted to the ACC for review. ACC submittals must be delivered to the Association on Monday no later than 5:00pm, to be reviewed that same week on Thursday. Submittal fees apply. Please (Continued on Page 7)
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The Outlook - December 2012
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THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News- (Continued from Page 6) contact HOA for further instructions for submittals. WEED CONTROL The issue and control of weeds are almost at an end. We are encouraging all property owners to help control the growth of weeds by treating your property with weed control. This will eliminate the growth of weeds and should eliminate maintenance notices from the Association. If a property does receive a maintenance notice, the resident will have ten (10) days to cure the violation. If the violation has not been cured, the Association will perform such maintenance without further notice and will require reimbursement. LANDSCAPE Many residents have asked about or expressed concerns over the red, green and yellow signs located throughout common area in The Dominion. Many feel the signs are unsightly or unnecessary. Actually, these signs are required by the San Antonio Water Systems (SAWS) in order to acquire and comply with restrictions for a watering variance. Essentially, the HOA’s variance allows us to water over three (3) days versus one (1), as normally allowed during SAWS Stage 1 and 2 drought restrictions. SAWS specifies the number, size and color of these sign, which essentially dictated their appearance. The Association, through its Landscape Committee, is investigating options for more aesthetically pleasing signs which would
also be acceptable to SAWS. SAWS drought restrictions may soon lift, given recent rain and cooler temperatures. If so, the association will be able to remove these signs at least temporarily. ACH FEE WAIVED The Dominion Homeowners Association would like to encourage the use of ACH Debit for your monthly HOA dues. Come by the HOA office with a voided check and complete the Automatic Debit form. The HOA will debit your account on the 10th day of each month. In the event the 10th day falls on a weekend or holiday, your account will be debited the following business day. For residents currently taking advantage of ACH, there is no longer a $2.00 fee. Presently, ACH Debit is not available to Cottage Estates residents. Those residents will need to continue to mail their checks or leave them at the HOA office. ROAMING CATS Do you have roaming cats in your area? Are you caring for cats that showed up on your doorstep? Those cats are an asset because roaming cats reduce rodent and snake populations. The roaming cat’s diet includes mice and insects (including cockroaches and scorpions). To keep your local roaming cats from becoming a herd, they should be spayed and neutered under the City of San Antonio policy called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). TNR is the practice of humanely trapping stray, feral, and roaming cats, then spaying or neutering them, and (Continued on Page 7)
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The Outlook - December 2012
THE OUTLOOK The Dominion News- (Continued from Page 8) releasing them back to the same location where they were collected. The cats are immunized and given rabies shots before return to their home areas. If cats are caught while they are young, they can be socialized and adopted as pets. For assistance with TNR for roaming cats in your area, call the Dominion Animal Advocates Group Louann Ledoux 210-854-8055 Lyn Hicks 210-219-9772 Susan Shaked 210-744-1200 FOR PET OWNERS 1. Sign up for the HOA’s Lost/Found Pet Notification Email Network. 2. If your pet is lost, contact Security and the HOA immediately. Provide a recent photograph of your pet. 3. Be aware of predator dangers to cats and small dogs (hawks, coyotes, bobcats, and the occasional mountain lion). 4. Keep cats inside from actual sunset (before dusk) to one hour after sunrise (prime hunting times for ground-based predators). 5. When caring for outside-only cats, pick up all food after 10:00 p.m. For more information, contact: Dominion Animal Advocates Group Louann Ledoux 210-854-8055 Lyn Hicks 210-219-9772 Susan Shaked 210-744-1200
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The Outlook - December 2012
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The Outlook - December 2012
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
THE OUTLOOK PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS COLLECTIBLES FOR SALE: Selling my collection of Lalique, Baccaret Erte Bronzes, Sehring Bronzes and many pieces of art work unframed. Other antique items available. If interested, please call Jackie at (210) 698-7071. GOLF CART FOR SALE: Completely refurbished, like new 4 passenger E-Z-GO electric golf cart. Very seldom driven and in excellent condition. A bargain at $4,000. Please call Ed at (210) 698-0657 PUPPY TRAINER AND SITTER/WALKER: Looking for a qualified puppy dog trainer. Smart, lovable 5 month old Sheltie female puppy with a not so smart Mommy. I prefer for the puppy to be trained in my home at the Cottage Estates. I am also looking for a young student for puppy sitter/walker for my 7 month old Sheler. Please call Sylvia at (210) 363-0883. FURNITURE FOR SALE: Two custom made chairs, purchased from Stowers 28” x 48”. Like new condition, silk
fabric, solid maple wood arms/legs. Stylish addition to any room, $499.00 each or $900.00 for the pair. OBO, for more information, please call Gill at (210) 349-3493. ITEMS FOR SALE: Vintage American Antique Armoire 45” Wide X 80” Deep $800.00 --- Southwest Style Framed Artwork: 42” Wide X 53” High $450.00; 38” Wide X 53” High $400.00; 45” Wide X 80” High $750.00. For more information, please contact Ed at (210) 827-1451 for appointment.
Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used
bike...) run at no charge to The Dominion residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail
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profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-263-9181 or
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The Outlook - December 2012
Lull THE
OF LAVENDER By Erin Conant Editor’s note: Last in the herb series.
Along with the wineries, boutiques and infamous dance halls that dot the Texas Hill Country are sweeping fields of sweet-smelling lavender. The dry climate and rocky soils make the Hill Country one of the most ideal areas in Texas to grow lavender, meaning it most likely can be incorporated into your landscape, too. Here are a few suggestions to get you started: • Well-drained soil that water can pass through easily is a must. Heavy clay soils and high humidity can be damaging to lavender, but improving the soils tilth and mulching with inorganic mulch (pea or granite gravel) will help protect lavender from water-borne fungal diseases. • Good watering techniques, such as allowing the top inch of soil to become dry before watering again, will go a long way
The Outlook - December 2012
toward preventing fungal diseases. Lavender also benefits from drip irrigation as opposed to overhead watering. • Choosing the right variety for your area makes all the difference. French lavender and Spanish lavender are bestsuited to our area. For locations beyond San Antonio, contact local nurseries, lavender farms and other herbal experts to select the variety that grows best in your region. With thoughtful planning and knowledge of lavender’s tendencies you can successfully grow lavender and enjoy the herb in your home, not only as a soothing fragrance but a wonderful ingredient (mostly English lavender) in recipes from cakes to tenderloin. Erin Conant is a conservation consultant for San Antonio Water System.
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Austin Avery Ranch • Barton Creek • Bee Cave • Bella Vista • Belterra • Canyon Creek • Chandler Creek Circle C Ranch • Courtyard • Davenport Ranch Forest Creek • Hidden Glen • Highland Park West Balcones • Hometown Kyle • Hunter’s Chase • Jester Estates • Lakeway • Lakewood Legend Oaks II • Long Canyon • Lost Creek • Meadows of Brushy Creek • Meridian • Pemberton Heights • Plum Creek • Prairie on The Creek • Ranch at Brushy Creek • River Place • Round Rock Ranch • Sendera Shady Hollow • Sonoma • Steiner Ranch • Stone Canyon • Teravista Travis Country West • Twin Creeks • Villages of Westen Oaks • West Lake Hills • Westside at Buttercup Creek • Wood Glen
houston Atascocita CIA • Atascocita Forest • Blackhorse Ranch • Bridgeland • Chelsea Harbour Coles Crossing • Copperfield • Cypress Creek Lakes • Cypress Mill • Eagle Springs • Fairfield Fairwood • Kleinwood • Lakes of Fairhaven • Lakes of Rosehill • Lakes on Eldridge • Lakes on Eldridge North • Lakewood Grove • Legends Ranch • Longwood • Normandy Forest • North Lake Forest • Riata Ranch • Shadow Creek Ranch • Silverlake Steeplechase • Stone Forest Stone Gate • Summerwood • Terranova West • Towne Lakes • Village Creek • Villages of NorthPointe • Woodwind Lakes • Willowbridge • Willowlake • Willow Pointe • Wimbledon Champions • Winchester Country • Windermere Lakes • Wortham Villages
DAllAs Ft. Worth Brook Meadows • Woodland Hills
sAn Antonio Fair Oaks Ranch • Rivermist • The Dominion • Wildhorse
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The Outlook - December 2012
THE OUTLOOK Cottage Estate Lakes – Swans Be Gone and Covered Up? The Cottage Estate Park is prominent and beautiful. It sets the tone for anyone who enters the Dominion through the front gate. The fountain in the largest lake often glistens in the sun, and the swans add serenity and elegance. Realtors love to show it to their prospects, and home sellers anywhere in the Dominion appreciate the lift to their property values. The lakes provide an unmatched wow-effect. However, they are in danger of being covered up. Unfortunately, as most residents and regular visitors surely noticed, the park has been out of order since June 2012, when, reportedly, a broken pump, a damaged well shaft, and subsequent permit issues turned it into a foul-smelling eye sore. The Cottage Estate Owners Association is responsible for the repairs, and it assures the Cottage Estates residents that the lakes will be working again imminently. However welcome that news will be when it manifests, it only addresses a short-term problem. The decaying, 30-year old system of liners, pipes, and water-ways is a large issue that, similar to the federal deficit,
The Outlook - December 2012
has been “a can kicked down the road” for years now. The unfortunate state of the park over the last five months has drawn the attention of a growing number of concerned residents, and the lakes may not survive this newfound attention of its owners. The park is legally owned by the Cottage Estates Owners Association, and its residents have borne the large majority of maintenance and repair costs for many years. However, a growing number of Cottage Estates residents believe that everyone in the Dominion enjoys the lakes, and the considerable cost to retrofit the park ought to be spread equitably among all Dominion residents. Voices are getting louder to “otherwise just get rid of the lakes”. Since there is an obvious financial incentive not to keep them, their survival may hinge on the civic pride of all Dominion residents. If you care about the lakes, please write a note to the HOA Board. The members of the board should know that residents care about the lakes and are willing to support their beauty in the long-term.
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
THE OUTLOOK Wash Your Hands
Reducing spread of disease while at home and work By: Concentra Urgent Care
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that nearly 90,000 patients die in U.S. hospitals each year due to a preventable disease – many could be avoided if everyone properly washed their hands. From germs on office equipment to sick colleagues who decided to come into work anyway, people face the same dangers in the workplace. The same simple fact holds true: Washing your hands regularly is an effective way to prevent yourself from catching or spreading a preventable disease or illness. WHEN TO WASH YOUR HANDS The CDC recommends washing your hands every time you: • Prepare or eat food • Use the restroom • Tend to someone who is sick; both before and after • Blow your nose, cough, or sneeze • Handle garbage • Treat a cut or wound • Change a diaper or clean up after children • Handle an animal or animal waste HAND WASHING BASICS
Birthday” twice • Be sure to wash palms, back of hands, fingers, and nails (clean nails by gently scratching nails down your opposing soapy palm) • Rinse off soap under a stream of water WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO? • Focus on hand washing in the lunch and/or break room • Be careful when using sponges and dish towels. These are ideal sites for bacterial growth. Always wash your hands after using these items. • Maintain a clean work area; regularly clean any office equipment, especially shared items such as phones and keyboards. • Remind your colleagues of the importance of hand washing, particularly when you witness someone neglecting to wash his or her hands.
The CDC has issued specific guidelines about effective hand washing: • Wet hands with water • Use plain bar or liquid soap • Create a lather by vigorously rubbing hands together for 15-20 seconds—about the amount of time it takes to sing “Happy
FOR MORE INFORMATION To learn more about how washing hands regularly can help prevent disease, ask your health care provider, or visit the CDC’s creative Web site dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of hand washing at
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Outlook - December 2012
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THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $500,000
This pristine & beautiful garden home features a perfect floor plan, lots of light, high ceilings, rich wood floors & tile throughout, custom moldings, many built-ins, an open kitchen & a huge master suite. Detached Casita has 1/2bath. Fully fenced with small yard. MLS# 952580
THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $675,000
THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $560,000
Pristine & architecturally superb custom home with perfect entertaining floor plan, lots of light, high ceilings, wood floors, custom built-ins & molding. Luxury master suite is downstairs, while upstairs showcases a secondary master suite, another bedroom & 3rd living. Small side yards make for low maintenance, & the front yard is taken care of by HOA. MLS# 967974
THE DOMINION San Antonio • Offered at $779,000
This modern, custom beauty with an open & airy floor plan, is Exceptionally built one story is the builder’s personal home & is perfect for spacious living. Floor to ceiling windows, perfectly situated on a private corner lot with mature trees. Open architecturally designed ceilings throughout, concrete floors, & spacious living areas are adorned with high end finishes, many tall windows with shutters, travertine floors, custom paint, audio custom built-ins & wine cellar. A streamlined kitchen is outfitted with exotic granite counters. European spa-like master suite speakers inside & out. Gourmet island kitchen opens to family leads to 3 bedrooms, each with private baths. Pool & outdoor room with gas cooking & sit down breakfast bar. Pool, spa & cooking, make this a true, one of a kind gem! MLS# 968897 lush landscaping make for a private tropical oasis! MLS# 968901 16
The Outlook - December 2012
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