Willowlake - December 2012

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December 2012

Volume 9, Issue 12

The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From the Willowlake Board of Directors

Yard of the Month Committee ‘Holiday Decorations Contest’ Judging December 13 December 16 I am thrilled to announce that two Willowlake residents have volunteered to co-chair the Yard of the Month Committee. Watch for an upcoming article from them in the January newsletter. Their contact information will also be in the January issue. For now, they would like to announce that judging for the Holiday Decorations Contest will be during the evenings of December 13th through December 16th, and awards will be given soon after. The (4) award categories are: Santa’s Favorite, Spirit of the Season, Holiday Magic and Winter Wonderland. The winners’ names and addresses will be listed in the February newsletter. The YOM Committee has been without a chairperson for quite some time, and I want to personally thank both women for stepping up to the plate and for being an inspiration for others to volunteer. By Linda O’Pry, Editor

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

2013 ASSESSMENTS DUE JANUARY 1ST By Randall Management Billing of the 2013 Willowlake assessments is just around the corner! As a reminder, if you are unable to pay your assessments in full by the due date of January 1, 2013, please contact Randall Management and set up a payment plan. Please note, all assessment payments received after January 31, 2013 will be considered late. Please keep in mind that early payment are welcome and will give you a head-start in paying off your 2013 balance. Randall Management offers a free three (3) month payment plan. The payment plan does not stop the late penalty in February but it does stop any further collection proceedings and penalties as long as you make timely payments. Again, there is no charge for a three (3) month payment plan.

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day December 7 On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day we mourn the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. Willowlake Watch - December 2012


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