News for the Residents of Hidden Glen
Letter From The Board
The annual meeting of the Hidden Glen Homeowners Association was held on November 27th, 2012. The first part of the meeting included an informal Question & Answer session with the Board. This session was followed by the official meeting, which included a financial update, committee reports, and a discussion of new business. The meeting ended with the election of a new board member to fill the vacancy left by Paul Pulley’s expiring term. A member nominated Mark Gesch, and several other members seconded. One other nomination was received by email, but this member did not attend the meeting. By unanimous vote, Mark was elected to the Board. The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Paul for the years of service to our community and the leadership provided to make Hidden Glen a great place to live. After the meeting, the Board’s roles and committee responsibilities were determined. Eric Poortinga will serve as Board President and liaison to the Architectural Review and Communications committees. Mark Gesch will serve as Vice-President/Secretary and liaison to the Landscape and Safety committees. Michael Davolt will serve as Treasurer and liaison to the Social and Pool committees. Regarding the various HOA committees (Social, Pool, Landscape, Safety, Communication, ARC), all welcome new members. In particular, the Social Committee and Safety Committee are both lacking members and leaders for chair positions. If you have an interest in joining one or more of these committees, please contact the respective board member liaison. Time commitments are flexible. There were two main items of new business discussed in the annual meeting: 1)New Rules, and 2)Proposal for landscape enhancements. New Rules In 2012, new legal requirements went into effect that required the HOA to modify our Rules. The Board engaged a local law firm, Nieman & Heyer, to assist in drafting revisions to bring us into compliance and consolidate discrepancies between the CCRs and Rules documents. Some of these changes include the Assessment Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Collection and Enforcement Policy, Records Production, and Payment Plans. The complete document can be downloaded from the Goodwin Management website. As the Rules only require a Board vote, the Board unanimously agreed to approve the revised document and it has been filed with Williamson County. As was communicated to members in April, Nieman & Heyer also consulted with the Board on the topic of overnight parking on streets. The Board was advised that we do have a legal right to enforce this deed restriction on residents. However, the Board recognizes that residents may have occasional guests that require overnight parking. The intent is to enforce ongoing and repeated violations rather than infrequent visitors. If you do have guests that require overnight parking, please be neighborly and talk with those that could be affected. Otherwise, all vehicles associated with a property should be parked in the garage or on the driveway in a manner that does not impede the sidewalk. The review of this deed restriction also highlighted two issues with how it is currently written. First, “overnight” was not defined. Second, it restricted all members to only two vehicles parked in their driveway and not for more than 72 hours in a single month. This is regardless to the size of the member’s driveway. To encourage compliance of the current overnight street parking rule, the Board is proposing to define overnight as 11pm to 5am and relax the driveway use restriction. This can only be done by modifying our CCRs, which requires a majority vote by members. Goodwin mailed each member a ballot for voting on this issue in November. Please return to Goodwin ASAP. Contact the Board if you need another. Proposal for Landscape Enhancements The Landscape Committee formally presented a proposal for enhancing the aesthetics of the HOA common areas through (Continued on Page 2) Hidden Glen Happenings - January 2013