Woodland Hills - January 2013

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oodland Hills

Woodland Hills

The Official Publication of the Woodland Hills Homeowner's Association

Volume 8, Number 1

January 2013

President’s Letter From all of the Board Members of the Woodland Hills Homeowners Associations we trust you all had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a prosperous and happy New Year! It’s hard to believe 2012 has come and gone in what seems to have been a blink of the eye. Hopefully everyone has recovered from holiday travels, extended shopping sprees, visits from family and friends, and the relentless pursuit of the highly evasive leafless pool. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit Melrose Park, then you’ll want to do that soon. We completed the last phase of the park path reconstruction in late December bringing to a conclusion one of the most requested improvement projects for the association. All of the older asphalt walking paths have been removed and replaced with new concrete paths--- they look fantastic! We want to extend a special “Thank You” to Lance Andrews, former WHHOA Board President, for all his hard work and time spent helping to coordinate this project. We’re truly blessed to have such dedicated homeowners. As we prepare for 2013 we want to bring a couple of things to the attention of our membership. The annual WHHOA meeting will be held on Monday, February 11, at the Colleyville Center. Sign in will begin at 6:30 PM and the meeting will commence at 7:00PM. Select Property Management will be sending out formal announcements in early January. We look forward to hosting our homeowners and getting to visit about our plans for 2013. Most importantly, we have 3 Board positions open. The Board terms of Mary Grigg, Louie Sullins, and Dave

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Pizzey expired at the end of the 2012 and that means the WHHOA board of directors will be looking for energetic and dedicated homeowners to fill these positions. If you’ve ever given thought to serving in a leadership capacity with the WHHOA then this is the perfect time to step up. No experience is required and it’s really a lot of fun. Please give consideration to helping out! On a personal note, I want to thank each and every Board Member and their families for the time and dedication to the success of the WHHOA in 2012! It’s easy to accomplish goals with such a dedicated group of people. It has been my pleasure to serve with each of you in 2012! I’m looking forward to this New Year and to making Woodland Hills the best neighborhood in Colleyville!

Mark Skinner

Woodland Hills Homeowner's Association Newsletter - January 2013


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