Stone Canyon - February 2013

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

February 2013

Volume 8, Issue 2

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association

Easter Egg Hunt Easter comes early this year:

By Cindy Barry (Cindy Barry works with homeless kids going to Round Rock High School) All, this is the first year I did not have to pick who was going to be left out because I did not have the resources to cover their needs - thanks to Fern Bluff Elementary, Stone Canyon and Fern Bluff Home Owners. Thanks to your generous donations this year, I was able to cover 136 students and their families this holiday season with holiday meals (114 from donations from Fern Bluff). The meals included a frozen turkey, a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, a frozen pie, a box of stuffing, 2 cans of vegetables, 1 can of gravy, 1 alum. pan, pre-made mashed potatoes. Here is the break-down: • 53 meals purchased with HEB cards • 31 meals purchased with Wal-mart cards • 22 meals purchased with Target cards • 7 meals purchased with cash • 1 meal purchased with a Visa gift card 4 packages of men’s underwear purchased with TJ Maxx gift card. (These were split between 3 teenage boys living at the Texas Baptist Home who go to Round Rock High School). They are living there temporarily until we can find a more permanent place. Once they turn 18, they have to leave, which will be soon, before the school year is up. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

We will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt this year on Saturday, March 23rd. We’ll meet at the Fern Bluff Park on Park Valley Drive, next to Fern Bluff Elementary and the tennis courts, no later than 9:45am. The hunt will being promptly at 10:00am. If you would like to volunteer to stuff eggs, hide eggs, help serve lunch or monitor the Bounce House, please email or call Laura Kouns at or 733-1659. Rain Out date is Sunday March 24.

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH by Joanie Brown Our monthly “Shout Out”: We’re still in need of coverage for the following streets: *Part of West Magic Mountain and Herb Cove *Part of Wildwater Way *Lake Pines *Alwin *Box Canyon Terrace *Niagara Falls *Laughing Water *Rosebud Place *Portion of Fern Bluff Ave between west and east ends of Sea Ash *Full Moon Trail and Cove *Cool Canyon *Two Jacks Trail If you can help out with any of these areas, please let me know. Reminder: Do remain aware of anything or anyone “out of place” in your neighborhood. Notice if anyone appears to be paying unusual attention to your habits or those of your neighbors. Touch base with your neighbors, especially get to know your new ones--keep each other up to date on community issues and concerns, especially those that are safety-related.* “Word of mouth” among our residents has (Continued on Page 3) Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - February 2013


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