February 2013
Volume 10, Issue 2
The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association
Christmas Yards of The Month
This year, Willowlake had great decoration participation for the holiday season. This tells the community that we care about the appearance of our neighborhood and want to celebrate the holidays. There were so many great decorations that the Yard of the Month Committee had a difficult time deciding on the winners, who won $25 gift certificates from Pappa’s. Here are our winners and thanks for your contribution: • Winter Wonderland - 9923 Goldenglade Dr. – The whole yard was covered in lights, including the ground with an outdoor theme with deer, swans and other animals. • Santa’s Favorite – 9822 Winter Run Dr. – Santa coming out of his travel trailer. • Holiday Magic – 9635 Bending Willow Ln. – Christmas trees, snowman, wreath, bows and hanging tree lights. • Spirit of the Season – 9531 Willowlake Park Dr. – Multi-colored lights, big lighted wreath and 3 crosses.
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Charitable Giving
The following websites can provide additional information on charitable giving and charity fraud: www.give.org The Better Business Bureau reports on national charities, including contact information, how much of your donation will go to administrative costs and more. www.charitywatch.org The American Institute of Philanthropy is a national charity watchdog service whose purpose is to help donors make informed giving decisions. www.ftc.gov If you suspect charity fraud, you can file a report online with the Federal Trade Commission.
Willowlake Watch - February 2013