Hidden Glen - March 2013

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MARCH 2013


News for the Residents of Hidden Glen

Message from the Board NEW WEBSITE

Soon after the November annual board meeting, the Board endorsed the transition away from the Yahoo Group to a new website called NextDoor. With additional features and functionality specifically developed for neighborhoods, the overall feedback has been great. More than half of our Hidden Glen residents have already signed-up, with new members joining every day. You can create an account and join this private website for our neighborhood at: http://hiddenglentx.nextdoor.com With this improved communication tool, the board has been able to hear from more residents on various neighborhood concerns. USE OF COMMON AREAS While the amenity center and bike path are the most widely used common areas, we also all own a stake in the greenbelts, karst lots, retention ponds, and the open field at the end of Plantation Drive. The HOA spends a considerable amount of money every month to insure all of these areas are well maintained and available for everyone to enjoy. Since the wildfires of 2011, the HOA has actively kept the greenbelts clean and clear of debris. Walking through these areas, one can find beautiful wildflowers and birds. In order to respect the rights of all residents to have an opportunity to use these common areas, we all have agreed to certain rules through the deed restrictions. Many of these rules, based on common courtesy, are no different to how we treat our own properties. For example, you would not leave a pile of grass clippings or other yard

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trash in your neighbor’s yard, which is why the same applies to all common areas. Similarly, no one likes to walk out to their front yard and find a pile of poop in the grass, but that is what you are likely to find up and down the bike path and main sidewalks. The HOA makes it easy to pick up after your pets with several poop stations around the neighborhood, so please use them! Safety while using the common areas is also a major concern. Motorized dirt bikes and scooters are not allowed in any common area. There are also signs clearly posted at each end of the City park area prohibiting motorized vehicles. Skateboarding and riding bikes on the retention pond spillways is also prohibited. These activities should take place on your own property where you can carry the liability. INVASIVE ANIMALS

For years, we have had periodic problems with wild hogs coming into the neighborhood from Texas Crushed Stone. This year there was also sightings of coyotes. The board is working on a fencing plan to help deter entry of these animals into our neighborhood. In the meantime, we can prevent attracting them into the neighborhood by not providing a food source. Deer feeders, bird feeders, and corn thrown out to feed the squirrels are all prohibited in the common areas. During our routine maintenance of the greenbelts, we are finding these items and subsequent evidence of hog activity. If you live along one of the greenbelts, please help up control this problem.

Hidden Glen Happenings - March 2013


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