Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter
March 2013
Volume 8, Issue 3
Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association
We will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt this year on Saturday, March 23rd. We’ll meet at the Fern Bluff Park on Park Valley Drive, next to Fern Bluff Elementary and the tennis courts, no later than 9:45am. The hunt will being promptly at 10:00am. If you would like to volunteer to stuff eggs, hide eggs, help serve lunch or monitor the Bounce House, please email or call Laura Kouns at lbkouns63@ or 733-1659. Rain Out date is Sunday March 24.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH by Joanie Brown Unfortunately, these past few months have seen an increase in vandalism, particularly breaking into cars—many of which have been left unlocked. In some cases, items have been stolen; in nearly all instances, papers and contents have been either strewn around or removed from the vehicles and found as far as several blocks away. Residents throughout Stone Canyon have filed police reports, but recent activity has centered around Sea Ash Circle and Sunburst Pkwy. Residents on Bar Harbor Bend have also reported suspicious groups of what appear to be young men or teenagers moving up and down the street in the early hours. Williamson County Police contact info is included at the end of this column. If/when you or your neighbors see anything remotely suspicious, it is vital to file a report immediately with the Police. (Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Easter comes early this year:
Easter Egg Hunt
Yar S T O d of the Mon th N N Y O
by Joanie Brown and Amelia Dansby
By the time you read this, our Texas Spring should have definitely sprung! Hopefully, between Mother Nature’s intermittent moisture and our individual watering processes, we’re all making plans to get our gardens started and prep our lawns for a healthy and colorful season. Our Yard of the Month cycle will also be starting. Each year, more and more residents have raised the bar for recognition. Jump on board to keep Stone Canyon beautiful. April’s newsletter will provide more info on the committee’s charter, guidelines and timelines. We’re also looking for new residents to join our committee or to serve as substitutes to replace departing members. Ours has to be the most enjoyable committee of all. To drive through Stone Canyon’s neighborhoods each month, soak up everyone’s garden artistry and then—best of all—notify 8 homeowners their yards have been selected as the month’s Best! Our most difficult task is selecting only 8 from the 1101 yards in Stone Canyon. If you’re interested, please contact either Joanie Brown or Amelia Dansby: • Joanie/hm: 733-2913; cell: 784-3512 • Amelia/cell: (817) 915-9159 Happy gardening! Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - March 2013