Meadows of Brushy Creek
April 2013
Volume 6, Issue 4
HOA Violations Fellow Meadows Homeowners, Based on feedback that was received at the 2012 annual meeting, the HOA Board has been looking into the best way to help ensure that we continue to have one of the nicest looking communities in the area. As part of this process we looked at what other neighboring associations are doing and tried to adopt the best practices of each of them. We want to find an even balance between under and over managing our community while at the same time keeping our property values as high as possible. Below is a draft of a compliance proposal that would provide up to two courtesy notices being sent out prior to any fines being implemented, and you will see that the dollar amounts fit the severity of the issue (i.e. trash can violations are smaller than the fines for yards that are in need of maintenance, etc.). Our only goal is to keep us all proud of our neighborhood and maintain our home values. We hope that no fines ever need to be issued, but we believe that some type of formal structure needs to be put in in place to ensure compliance with our neighborhoods deed restrictions. Please take a few minutes to review this draft and then we request your feedback by contacting our management company: Debra Johnson at Goodwin Management Office (512) 502-7043 Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you. Your MBCHOA Board DRAFT FOR CONSIDERATION Adopted as one method for securing owner compliance, the following is a summary of the fining schedule for homes in violation of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for The Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner’s Association. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Trash Can and Recycling Bin Violations 1st Violation – Courtesy Notice (no fine imposed) 2nd Violation – Second Courtesy Notice (no fine imposed) 3rd Violation – Third Notice Sent with $20 fine plus the cost of the certified letter 4th Violation – Fourth Notice Sent with $40 fine plus the cost of the certified letter If the condition that caused the violation is resolved and remains resolved for 6 months, the violation will be cleared and the process will then begin again at the 1st violation. Lot Maintenance, Parking, and Unsightly Violations 1st Violation – Courtesy Notice (no fine imposed) 2nd Violation – Second Courtesy Notice (no fine imposed) 3rd Violation – Third Notice Sent with $35 fine plus the cost of the certified letter 4th Violation – Fourth Notice Sent with $70 fine plus the cost of the certified letter If the condition that caused the violation is resolved and remains resolved for 6 months, the violation will be cleared and the process will then begin again at the 1st violation. Architectural Control and Major Violations - All changes to the property must have an ACC application submitted prior to work being done. This includes but is not limited to: sheds, fences, arbors, landscape changes, roofs, pools and satellite dishes. If no ACC application is submitted: 1st Violation – Courtesy Notice will include a copy of the application to be filled out (no fine imposed) 2nd Violation – Second Notice Sent with $50 fine plus the cost of the certified letter If the project is approved but deviates from the application: 1st Violation – Courtesy Notice (no fine imposed) 2nd Violation – Second Notice Sent with $100 fine plus the cost of the certified letter Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2013 1