Wildhorse - April 2013

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WILD April 2013




Volume V, Issue 4

Official Publication of the Wildhorse Homeowners Association

Pool Party Reservations for 2013 The association is now taking reservations for Pool Parties at both of our community pools. Residents will have two options to choose from: Public or Private Parties. Public parties will take place during normal swim hours and are limited to 10 attendees. Private parties will take place at the Timber Country Pool only. All parties are limited to 2 hours. Party times/dates are first-come-first served so make your reservations early. Only two parties per membership (lot) per year are allowed. You are expected to clean up within the time frame of your party. To schedule a public or private party, please contact the reservations department with Spectrum at (210) 494-0659. 1. PUBLIC PARTIES (Now-September, available at the Timber Country and Sports Park Pools): These are small parties during attendant hours with a maximum of 10 attendees. The pool will not be closed to other residents and their guests. Summer parties are for small gatherings such as birthdays, sports teams events, etc. At least one adult must be present for every four children. Parties will be limited to two (2) hours. Two (2) week prior notice is required and only one party can be scheduled in a two (2) hour time period. A non-refundable fee of $30 will be collected

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

for administrative purposes. 2. PRIVATE PARTIES (Now-August, available at Timber Country pool only): Members must make requests for private pool parties by completing a lease agreement through Spectrum. The pool will be closed to other residents for parties starting during the hours of 10am-11am or 1:00-3:00pm. All parties regardless of size are subject to the lease agreement and private party rules. The Timber Country pool and pool area may be reserved for a private party with a $100.00 deposit (to be refunded following inspection), a $55/hr non-refundable rental fee ($65/hr Friday-Sunday), and an $20/hr per attendant fee with a minimum of two (2) attendants for parties greater than 25 people. Parties are staffed at the discretion of the pool management company. A maximum of 50 people are allowed per private party and the time is limited to 2 hours and there can be no more than one party per day.

Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013


WILDHORSE HOA Board Gerardo Gutierrez.................................................... President Ginger Johnson.................................................Vice President Jennifer Winslow.......................................................Treasurer Summer Manchester.................................................Secretary Chris Winnier.............................................. Member at Large To contact the board, email: board@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................. Communications Committee Chair communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Amy McEwen..................................... Pool Committee Chair Amanda Reynolds............................... Pool Committee Chair pools@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN....................................Public Works Committee Chair publicworks@wildhorsecommunity.com Hilda Black..........................................Recreation Committee recreation@wildhorsecommunity.com Danny Garcia.................................... Safety Committee Chair www.wildhorsecommunity.com Suzanne Patrick & Courtney Hanes.Social Committee Chairs social@wildhorsecommunity.com

Important Numbers Bexar Co. Public Works.....................................210.465.4528 ...................................................... (shredding, graffiti, etc.) Bexar Co. Sign Dept.........................................210.465.0536 ........................................... (report damaged/missing signs) CPS...................................................................210.353.4357 ................................................... (report street light outage) Sheriff - Non-Emergency...................................210.335.6000 Spectrum Mgmt. Association............................210.494.0659

Newsletter Information Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Article Submission..... communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com

ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing communication@wildhorsecommunity.com or by going to: http://www.peelinc.com/articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue.


Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013

Swim Season is upon us

The board would like to update you on the changes to the pool schedule this year. After reviewing the pool usage logs from last year, the board developed a revised schedule for 2013. The Sports Park Pool will be open on weekends only April 13th through May 1st. Beginning May 1st, both pools will be open on a daily basis. The board has decided to continue offering special designated times for adult swim and private pool parties. The Wildhorse Swim Team will utilize the pool during non-peak times, and special lanes will be reserved for residents during the summer swim time. We hope that you will enjoy the schedule this year and find that it accommodates you and your family.

Wildhorse Triathlon The Wildhorse Recreation committee and the Wildhorse Cyclones Swim team are teaming up to host our 1st Annual “Wildhorse Tri-trot paddle and ride.” This will be a nonsanctioned event, so for those of you who have never done a triathlon, but always wanted to participate, here is your chance. Get your swim suits, bikes and running shoes ready, this will definitely be a lot of fun. You can either compete as an individual participant or as a three person team. The event will take place on Saturday, May 4th, 2013, @ 8am. The cost will be $20 for an individual participant or $10 per person for a three person team. Participants must be 13yrs and older. We will provide commemorative T-shirts for all participants. Cash and checks made payable to Wildhorse HOA are accepted methods of payment. Sign up dates will take place at the Sports Park on the following dates: Thursday, April 11th at 6-7pm Saturday, April 13th at 9-10am Thursday April 18th 6-7pm Volunteers are needed to help with registration and also on the day of the event. Please contact recreation@ wildhorsecommunity.com to volunteer or with any questions. Come out and cheer for your neighbors, friends and family!

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

WILDHORSE Wildhorse HOA Pool Schedule 2013 Sports Park: APRIL 13TH – APRIL 30TH: POOL OPENS

Hours: 11am – 8pm Weekends only

MAY 1ST – MAY 31ST :

Hours:7am – 12pm Weekdays 7am – 9pm Weekends JUNE 1ST – JUNE 6TH Hours:7am – 12pm Weekdays 7am – 9 pm Weekends


Hours: 7am – 9pm Daily


HOA Dues Prepayment Incentive for 2013 Last Chance!!

The Board of Directors reauthorized the prepayment incentive for 2013. The HOA is offering ten $50 gift cards to be raffled off to homeowners who have pre-paid their entire remaining year balance off by April 30th, 2013. The goal of the campaign is two-fold: (1) to reduce the administrative burden of tracking residents at various stages of repayment and (2) to reduce the number of delinquent accounts due to “missing” the payment due date because of an “oversight.” This plan also benefits residents who will have one less bill to pay for the remainder of the year. You will continue to receive quarterly statements from the management company showing a credit for the remainder of the year so you can track your balance. The Board of Directors would appreciate your consideration and cooperation with this effort.

Hours:7am - 7pm Weekdays 7am - 9pm Weekends


Hours: 7am – 9pm


Timber Country: MAY 1ST—JUNE 6TH : POOL OPENS

Hours: 12pm – 9pm Daily


Hours: 7am – 9pm Daily AUGUST 26TH: POOL CLOSED FOR WINTER


AM Adult Swim: Wednesday and Friday from 6-7am at Sports Park Pool PM Adult Swim: Friday and Saturday evenings from 9-10pm at both the Sports Park and Timber Country Pools Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Be on the Lookout

Be on the lookout for new signs placed at the entrances and exits of the Wildhorse subdivision. The HOA has purchased eight “Neighborhood Watch” signs to be strategically placed throughout our community. Neighborhood Watch is a program that encourages neighbors to be more aware and vigilant about reporting potential and crimes that are happening. When criminal activities are suspected, members are encouraged to contact authorities and not intervene. In May, the Safety Committee will be hosting a “Safety Night” where we will have a local officer on hand to give a small lecture on ways we can better protect ourselves, our homes and our families. The HOA will provide free Neighborhood Watch sticker decals to the members who attend the meeting. There will also be other handouts given to members who attend this meeting and a question and answer forum provided by the officer. We encourage all homeowners to attend to become better aware of the crime challenges that face our community, and what you can do to help prevent future occurrences. The location, date and time will be announced in the May newsletter as well as in an email blast. Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013



Career Tip of the Month By Suzanne B. Patrick

I decided to write this monthly article to assist community members who are job searching. I have been a career counselor for over 10 years in various institutions of higher education. In that time I have provided hundreds of people with job searching advice, review and editing of cover letters, resumes and other professional documents as well as advice on how to network and market yourself as a candidate. In this tough economy it is important to always put your best foot forward when searching for a job. Each month I will address a tip for job hunters. If you have a specific question you would like to have addressed please feel free to email me at asksuzanne@ wildhorsecommunity.com and I will be more than happy to work it into the monthly articles. April’s Career Tip: Providing Good References A question I am asked pretty often is who I should put down as a reference. It is very important that you provide good professional references when applying for jobs and going on interviews. Here are some tips to help you put together a good reference list. Tip Number 1: Be sure your references can speak to your job abilities! • The best references are usually past co-workers and supervisors from previous jobs. They can usually speak directly to your skill set and share valuable information with the new employer. • Try to avoid personal references such as friends; however those who work with you on community events or volunteer activities might also serve as good references!

• You can also ask professors from courses you may have taken. • Be confident the reference will say good things about you and be able to highlight your skills for the position. Tip Number 2: Be sure to let them know!

• It is very important that you keep up with your references and let them know when you apply for new positions. Remind them you are using them as a reference and even consider sending them an updated resume if you have made some changes over time. • Staying in touch with them is so important; you do not want your references to be caught off-guard by a future employer’s phone call. Tip Number 3: Make sure it is clear how you know your references!

• Make sure when creating a reference list, it is clear that you list how you know the person i.e. served on church finance committee together. If an explanation is needed be sure that you provide one. When I talk to employers, most tell me that they prefer candidates not include personal or family members as references. They always prefer those references that can speak to the candidate’s ability to do the job. I recently knew a candidate who did not receive an offer because he put his fiancée down as a reference and did not disclose that it was his fiancée. They had worked together in the past but still the employer felt it was a poor choice in a reference. Hopefully these tips will help you to choose references wisely! If you would like me to go into detail on any of these the tips above next month email me and let me know!

Make an impact. 4

Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.



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2:40 PM 5 Wildhorse Messenger -3/7/13 April 2013

WILDHORSE At no time will any source be allowed to use the Wildhorse Messenger contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Wildhorse Messenger is exclusively for the private use of the Wildhorse HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

DIRECTV is rolling out the RED CARPET

EGGStra-ordinary Fun!

We hope that everyone enjoyed the Wildhorse HOA Easter Egg Hunt. We would like to thank the Social Committee for organizing and orchestrating this fun family event. Children had a chance to hunt for Easter eggs all around the Sports Park and a few even found a golden egg! The Easter Bunny made a special appearance and many children raced to find the hidden eggs. Having hosted this year’s event, we received some great feedback and now have a better idea of what to expect in future years. We thank all of those community members who came, volunteered and made the event a success.

Community Garage Sale Saturday, April 6th: 7am-2pm

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Neighbors, are you ready to clear out the garage after a sleepy winter? Do you have closets in need of cleaning out for Summer? Maybe you’ve done some redecorating? Well, get ready to price tag it for our next community wide garage sale, scheduled for Saturday, April 6th. We will provide advertising & signs outside of the neighborhood. You will simply need to provide some directional signs to your home. PLEASE be sure to remove all signs at the end of the day. Thank you... and good luck!

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Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

WILDHORSE Adult Swim is Back!! Many residents enjoyed adult-only swim time last year. We are happy to announce that our pools will once again open this year to those who meet the criteria of “kids at heart.” The pools will be made available to adults 18 and older during these exclusive swim hours. These hours are outside the normal operating hours of the pools so families should not be affected. This benefit will begin May 3rd and run until August 31st. Times will be divided among AM and PM swim times. The schedule is as follows: AM Adult Swim: Wednesday and Fridays from 6-7am at Sports Park Pool PM Adult Swim: Fridays and Saturday evenings from 9-10pm at both the Sports Park and Timber Country Pools. Adults, please utilize these times and families with children, please respect the adult swim hours. Enjoy!


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Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013




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If your property is listed with a real estate broker please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.


Wildhorse Messenger - April 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

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