Hunter's Chase Gazette
HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA
Upcoming Events MAY 4TH
Hunter's Chase pool is OPEN!!! MAY 5TH Cinco de Mayo MAY 12TH Mother's day MAY 27TH
Memorial day MAY 31ST Last day of school for Round Rock ISD JUNE 8TH Hunter's Chase Spring Fling and Annual Meeting, rain out date is June 15th
Do you have an event or notice you want Hunter's Chase residents to know about, submit an event via the link at
Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.
May 2013 Volume 3, Issue 5
2012 Swim Season: May 4th - October 13th (closed on Tuesdays) Pool Closed on Tuesdays Hours: 6am to 9pm Adult Swim Only: 6am to 9am Lost your Pool Key Get new ones at or contact Goodwin Management (512) 502-7503 Pool Pavilion Reservations Go to 1 - Select Community Services 2 - Select Amenities/Pool Event Rentals 3 - Select top Drop Down Site box to locate your POA facility name (Hunters Chase). The POA home page gives a detailed description of pavilion rental procedures. 4 - Select Pavilion Rentals tab on the left 5 - Select Register Now to complete the reservation If you have questions, contact Lifeline Aquatics, as follows: Lifeline Aquatics Phone: 877-354-1313 Fax: 512-869-6291
Hunter's Chase Gazette - May 2013