The Grapevine May 2013, Volume 7, Issue 5
Help a Neighbor Out
Please report any broken sprinklers or other irrigation irregularities to This would include any areas sprinkling when you think they shouldn’t or any water coming from sprinkler heads in an improper fashion. Because recent rains have filled Lake Georgetown to capacity, the City of Round Rock has lifted its mandatory once-weekly water restrictions, effective immediately. The City is encouraging its utility customers to follow the twice-weekly voluntary watering schedule. Currently the watering days for commercial property is Tuesday and/or Friday. Residential odd-numbered addresses are Wednesday and/or Saturday. Residential even-numbered addresses are Thursday and/or Sunday. Please remember the weather can and will change and mechanical systems can fail, so we need to use our water resources wisely.
The Grapevine
Official Publication of Sonoma Homeowners Association
Yard Of The Month Our Yard of the Month program is starting up again. The April 2013 YOM is 2820 West Piper Sonoma Ct. Thanks Bob and Peita for helping to keep Sonoma beautiful! Send in your nominations to
Overnight Parking Overnight parking on our streets is becoming an issue in Sonoma. Just a reminder, it is violation of the CC & Rs to park a vehicle overnight on any street in Sonoma. If you, or a guest, are found in violation of this rule, you as the homeowner, can be subject to a fine. Section 3.4 Uses Specifically Prohibited (a) No more than two (2) automobiles per dwelling unit may be kept on any Lot in such manner as to be visible from any other portion of the Subdivision for any period in excess of seventy-two hours. No automobiles or other vehicles may be parked overnight on any roadway within the Subdivision.
Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine - May 2013