Westside at Buttercup Creek - May 2013

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Westside at Buttercup Creek

Westside news Volume 4, Number 5

Official Newsletter of the Westside at Buttercup Creek HOA

Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Hours WARNING: Pools are always SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK! Lifeguards are not on duty all hours that the pools are open. Parents are always responsible for the safety of their own children. Please refer to pool rules at www.westsidehoa.org for additional information. POOLS ARE OPEN MAY 1 – SEPTEMBER 30 Pool Operating Hours Lakeline Pool: 5am – 10pm Kay Redden Pool: 5am – 9pm Lifeguard Hours May 25 – 27 (Memorial Day Weekend) 10am – 9pm June 7 – August 25 10am – 9pm August 31 – September 2 (Labor Day Weekend) 10am – 9pm Pool Access

This Facility is open to all members (in good standing) of the Westside at Buttercup Creek Homeowners Association. You must have an electronic key tag to gain access to this facility. If you do not have a key tag, or your key tag is inoperable, please go to www. poolkey.com In case of emergency call 911.

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

May 2013

Hardscaping Standard for WABC Hardscape Standards (Walkways, Planter Beds and Edging) This Standard is to serve as an interpretation of the contents of the Declaration and as a guideline for the actions of representatives of the Association, including the Modifications Committee, the Management Company, and the Board of Directors. This Standard does not replace or amend the Restrictions, and should dispute arise, the contents of the Declaration shall take precedence over this Standard. In case of dispute, the decision of the Board regarding the validity of this Standard and the suitable interpretation of the Declaration shall be final. Hardscape “Hardscape” items are those parts of the property landscaping other than plants. Examples of hardscape items are planters, walkways, retaining walls and edging. Listed below are the hardscape modifications that are considered to be “automatically approved” and can be installed without applying to the Modifications Committee: Walkways • None - all walkway modifications require approval of the Modifications Committee. Planter Borders / Lawn Edging • Constructed of mortared brick that matches the brick of the house. • Constructed of native limestone. • Planter borders constructed of stacking concrete garden wall block, such as Pave Stone products, white, off-white or gray in color. • Steel landscape edging. • Unstained (white) concrete edging. Planters and edging must be neat and attractively constructed and installed. Remember: All other hardscape modifications require approval by the Modifications Committee. Westside News - May 2013 1

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