May 2013
Volume 10, Issue 5
The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association
By James Deitiker, Social Events Chairperson PARK CLEAN-UP
Volunteers Needed! On Saturday, May 11th at 9:00 a.m. there will be an organized clean-up of the Willowlake Park. We’ll meet at the Gazebo. We’ll have ample supplies of gloves, garbage bags, beverages and snacks available for our volunteers. Please contact 281-955-6902 to express your interest in volunteering. Our last park clean-up was on 6/9/12. It was very successful because we had several enthusiastic teenagers and homeowners involved in removing hundreds of pounds of paper, glass and metal trash from the park. WILLOWLAKE ICE CREAM SOCIAL All residents of Willowlake subdivision are invited to socialize with neighbors while enjoying a variety of ice cream treats on Sunday, May 19th at 5:00 p.m. at the Gazebo. For more information, contact James Deitiker. INTERNATIONAL THEME NIGHT
The Social Events Committee is working on a special night of fun and food in June. We’ll set the date and time based on volunteer input. We’re looking for homeowners who would like to open their home or yard for this event. Suggested themes are: Mexico, the Philippines, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Brazil, etc. We would like at least 4 themes within the event. Contact James Deitiker to volunteer.
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
The Willowlake Pool Season is almost here! Our pool will be open May 1 through September 30, 2013. The hours remain the same: 6:00 am to 9:00 pm daily, except for Tuesdays (maintenance), open 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Please contact me anytime with your concerns and/ or suggestions. Our most common pool rule violation is unauthorized pool use. This problem can be avoided if the following rules are followed by everyone: 1) Do not open the gate for anyone, and 2) If you see that the gate has been propped open in any way, shut it. Here are some great reasons to visit the Willowlake Pool this season: • An hour of vigorous swimming will burn up to 650 calories. It burns off more calories than walking or biking. • Swimming strengthens the heart and lungs. • Swimming works out all of the body’s major muscles. • Swimming helps reduce stress. • Water’s buoyancy make swimming the ideal exercise for physical therapy and rehabilitation or for anyone seeking a low-impact exercise. • Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise because you are moving against the water’s resistance, which is over ten times that of the air. Have a great summer! Lynn Piwonski Pool Chairperson 832-704-1252 Willowlake Watch - May 2013