Davenport Ranch - July 2013

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Davenport Ranch

Volume 9, Number 7 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association

July 2013 www.DavenportRanch.org


Firewise Prevention Presentation We are fortunate to have generous greenbelt space in the Davenport neighborhood, but these natural areas as well our lots can provide fuel for a wildfire if left untended. Learn ways to protect your home from wildfires at the Firewise Prevention presentation that will be taking place on Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30pm at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, located at 1500 North Capital of Texas Hwy, Austin, TX 78746. Subjects that will be covered include fuel mitigation, defensible space, as well as other topics. The presentation is being hosted by the Davenport Master Association, but is open to residents of surrounding areas. It is free to attend. The Austin Fire Department has also suggested the following links as helpful sources of information to prevent and react to wildfires. Firewise: http://firewise.org/ Ready! Set! Go!: http://wildlandfirersg.org/ Prepared: http://www.prepared.ly/ Fire Adapted Communities: http://fireadapted.org/ CAPCOG phone registry for ENS: http://wireless.capcog.org/ENS/PhoneMap.aspx?NewUser= Ember Study: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvbNOPSYyss Radiant Heat/Cohen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq6wy_tffpg For further information, contact the President of the Master Association, Meredith Landry, at tejas42@aol.com. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Protect Eyes This Summer

Take precautionary measures to protect your eyes during the summer to prevent long-term damage to eyesight, said a Baylor College of Medicine ophthalmologist. "Ultraviolet light, or UV exposure, has been linked to the development of macular degeneration, cataracts and other visionloss problems," said Dr. Elizabeth Baze, assistant professor of ophthalmology at BCM. Baze offered tips you can practice to help protect your eyes from sun damage this summer. • The more the sunglasses wrap around and shield your eyes and the skin around the eyes, the more protection you have. • Sunglasses need to provide 99 to 100 percent UV protection. • Sunblock is a must, including the skin around the eyes. • A broad-brimmed hat can add extra protection. If you have an existing eye condition like macular degeneration or cataracts, protecting your eyes from the sun should be a top priority during the summer, she said. Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - July 2013


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