Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter
July 2013
Volume 8, Issue 7
Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association
Website Committee
June Yard of the Month winners
By Ron Kellam
The Stone Canyon website is a good communication tool for our community. It provides easy access to Association documents such as Board Meeting Minutes, Pool Rules, ACC Guidelines and forms, announcements about community activities, an Events Calendar, etc. As we are now in the summer season, if you need documents such as the Pool Key Request or the Pool and Cabana Reservations, log into the Stone Canyon web site, then click on “Documents, Forms, Rules” on the left menu bar. In this area you will find a number of folders, including these particular documents. One way we communicate with residents of Stone Canyon is by sending emails from the web site to residents whose current email address is in their profile on the web site. Thus it is important for you to keep your email address up to date. If you no longer receive emails from Stone Canyon, it may be because your email address has changed and your profile has not been updated. You can update your profile by logging into the website, click on Edit Profile and update your information. There are a number of features such as the Classified section, Message Board, Announcements, Address Book, and Key Contacts that residents who have access to the web site can take advantage of. A new feature of the web site is access from a mobile device where you can access the Event Calendar, Address Book and your User Profile. To access the mobile portion of our web site, go to www. and log in with your normal user name and password. While on this page you can go to the full website by clicking on View Website at the bottom of the screen. Over the next couple of months we will be upgrading our web site with a new look and feel. The site will be changed to horizontal menus with drop down menus. It is our intent to make the web site more user-friendly, with an updated look. Be on the lookout for these changes. When we update the web site your existing user name and password will continue to be valid. Please take a look at our web site and explore all the various features of it. If you have suggestions or comments, please feel free to pass them along to me or any of the website committee members. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Congrats to the following residents who help make Stone Canyon a better place to live! 1st place/ 8319 Lofty Lane 2nd place/ 7008 Cool Canyon 3rd place/ 8303 Full Moon Trail Honorable Mention goes to: 16818 Bar Harbor Bend 18113 Whitewater Cove 17418 Montana Falls 7411 W. Magic Mountain 2428 Cloud Peak Gardening in Texas can be a challenge, so Thank You for your efforts! Yard of the Month Committee
How Fast Was That Car Going? Far too many cars have been speeding through the streets of Stone Canyon. Everyone is in a hurry but we all need to slow down! It’s not just speeding, either: drivers can be seen texting while they are driving. This subject has been addressed before but needs to be repeated. The speed limit on Brightwater is only 35 mph not 50! Speeds for the side streets are 25 mph & 30 mph-again not 40 or more. Please be mindful of all the residents in Stone Canyon & check your speed the next time you are traveling through the neighborhood. It’s far better to be a few minutes late than to roll over a cyclist, jogger or child that is skateboarding in the street. Thank you-Cathy Soukup Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2013