Wildhorse - July 2013

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WILD July 2013




Volume V, Issue 7

Official Publication of the Wildhorse Homeowners Association

Shade Structures

The Board of Directors are pleased to announce the approval of five shade structures to be placed throughout the Wildhorse Community. One large structure will be placed over the playground at the Sports Park. Two smaller cantilever structures will be placed at both the Sports Park and Timber Country Pools. We appreciate your patience as the structures are being installed. We will have alternating pool closures during the week of July 8th through July 12th to better accommodate residents during the construction and installation of the shade structures. We will do our best to keep our residents informed about pool closures, etc. via email blast and updating our website. The closures will be minimal and we believe the end result will be worth the wait. We hope the residents enjoy the new shade and are more comfortable when using the neighborhood amenities. We would also like to remind residents to do your part in caring for these structures by never taping or tying items to them, hanging from them, or otherwise harming these structures.

End of Year Party

On June 8, 2013 the Wildhorse Social Committee held an End of School Year Celebration at the Timber Country Pool. The event was a huge success. Lots of children age 12 and under turned out for an afternoon of food, fun, games and prizes. The Social Committee sponsored three games. The first was a limbo contest that was won by the tallest participant, Thomas Jackson, pictured above. The second game

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS As many of you know, the Board of Directors is made up of volunteers. In addition, all of our committee chairpersons are also made up of volunteers. Have you ever considered volunteering your time? Without volunteers many tasks are left undone or great ideas are never implemented. This is our call for help. Please see below for a brief description of the types of volunteers that are needed. Communications Chair – The main function of the Communication Chair is to compile articles for the monthly newsletter. Once the articles are compiled into one document, they are sent to the board for approval, who then forward the articles to our publisher. Another duty of this position is to help maintain our community website. We are looking for someone who could fill both or one of these roles. Email communication@wildhorsecommunity.com to apply for this position. Architectural Committee – Do you have a background in engineering, architecture, real estate or a similar field? Do you take pride in how your home looks? Are you a great record keeper and have a great eye for detail? The ACC Committee is in need of volunteers to become part of the review team to help our neighborhood maintain a cohesive and pleasing look. There are several positions open that need to be filled. Please email board@wildhorsecommunity.com for more information. If you are interested in any of these positions or willing to consider helping on one of our committees, please email a brief statement of interest to board@wildhorsecommunity. com. Your community will thank you!

(Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013


WILDHORSE HOA Board Ginger Johnson........................................................ President Brian O'Mullan.................................................Vice President Summer Manchester.................................................Treasurer Jason McClure..........................................................Secretary Chris Winnier.............................................. Member at Large To contact the board, email: board@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................. Communications Committee Chair communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Amy McEwen..................................... Pool Committee Chair Amanda Reynolds............................... Pool Committee Chair pools@wildhorsecommunity.com Jessica Morgan........................Public Works Committee Chair publicworks@wildhorsecommunity.com Hilda Black..........................................Recreation Committee recreation@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................................... Safety Committee Chair www.wildhorsecommunity.com Suzanne Patrick & Courtney Hanes.Social Committee Chairs social@wildhorsecommunity.com

Important Numbers Bexar Co. Public Works.....................................210.465.4528 ...................................................... (shredding, graffiti, etc.) Bexar Co. Sign Dept.........................................210.465.0536 ........................................... (report damaged/missing signs) CPS...................................................................210.353.4357 ................................................... (report street light outage) Sheriff - Non-Emergency...................................210.335.6000 Spectrum Mgmt. Association............................210.494.0659

Newsletter Information

was a t-shirt relay contest where 18 students raced back and forth through the pool. This event showed the great teamwork ability of our neighborhood kids; helping each other get the t-shirt from person to person as well as getting in and out of the pool. The last event was a coin toss for both younger and older kids. The youngest age group splashed in the kiddie pool to find the coins, while the older children dove in the main pool. There were many lucky winners who traded their coins for prizes. Our DJ provided some great music to keep the party going. Another big thanks to our social committee volunteers as well as some of our board members for helping serve up cold drinks, popcorn, watermelon, chips and cupcakes. We look forward to the next social event, “Teen Night” at the Timber Country pool for those ages 1317 on August 10th.

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Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Article Submission..... communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com

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Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing communication@wildhorsecommunity.com or by going to: http://www.peelinc.com/articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue.


End of Year Party (Continued from Cover Page)

Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013

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The Real Cost

of not Paying your HOA Bill Did you know that being late on one payment and then ignoring the late fee can have a far reaching effect? Your HOA bill is sent out quarterly for the amount of $75.00 on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. Please see below for a list of fees that can quickly add up if not taken care of. If you have questions regarding your account, please contact the billing department of Spectrum immediately at (210) 494-0659.

Payment Plans: Payment plan requests will be reviewed by the board. Owners shall be required to sign an agreement and abide by it. If an owner does not abide by the agreement, then the owner’s account shall move forward in accordance with the collections schedule.

Collection of Account by Attorney: Once an account is turned over to the association’s attorney all methods of collection shall be Collection Action: The first notice is sent after the late date per pursued. If the owner does not respond to the attorney’s demand the governing documents. The second and subsequent are sent letter a lawsuit may be filed and a judgment obtained. If the roughly twenty-five to thirty days apart from each other each owner fails to respond to the aforementioned action by making requiring a payment due date before the next step in the collection payment in full or by signing an approved payment plan then schedule takes place. If an owner pays in full before the payment the property may be foreclosed upon in accordance with the due date then collection action will cease on that owner’s account. governing documents and the current state law. Once the property General Policy: All fees/charges paid by the Association in is foreclosed the Association shall move to evict the residents, connection with the collection of an owner’s account shall be collect payment for rent, and/or sell the property in accordance reimbursed by the owner. “Non sufficient funds” (NSF) and/or with state law. “stop payment” checks shall be assessed a charge of $25.00 paid to Managing Agent and reimbursed by the owner.

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013



National Night Out Survey

The Wildhorse Homeowners Association would like to get your opinion on National Night Out. We would like to host a party and want your input! Please be on the lookout for an email containing the following survey. What is National Night Out? National Night Out (NNO) is designed to: • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness • Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and watching out for their neighbors There are three (3) proposed event dates. Please select an evening that you feel would best benefit your family and community. We would like to encourage as many participants in our neighborhood as possible. 1. August 6, 2013 (Tuesday) – National Night Out (nationwide date) 2. October 1, 2013 (Tuesday) – Texas Night Out (state-wide date) 3. October 5, 2013 (Saturday) – chosen to coincide with the Texan night out, but allow for more flexibility for those who have children in school Which type of event would you prefer? 1. Community Party at the Sports Park with games, music and food 2. Block Parties to be arranged within individual streets throughout the community 3. Gathering Party to be followed by individual Block Parties What type of events would you most be interested in being a participant? Please rank in order of 1 being favorite type of activity to 12 being least favorite: 1. Mixer/Get to know you games 2. Food and/or Snow Cones 3. Raffle and prizes 4. Belly flop competition with prizes 5. Trivia 6. Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt 7. Bicycle rodeo for kids 8. Pinatas 9. Water balloon toss/fight 10. Egg/Cotton ball race 11. Talent show 12. Other __________________ 4

Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013

Career Tip of the Month By Suzanne B. Patrick I decided to write this monthly article to assist community members who are job searching. I have been a career counselor for over 10 years in various institutions of higher education. In that time I have provided hundreds of people with job searching advice, review and editing of cover letters, resumes and other professional documents as well as advice on how to network and market yourself as a candidate. In this tough economy it is important to always put your best foot forward when searching for a job. Each month I will address a tip for job hunters. If you have a specific question you would like to have addressed please feel free to email me at asksuzanne@ wildhorsecommunity.com and I will be more than happy to work it into the monthly articles. July’s Career Tip: Answering Difficult Interview Questions The interview seems to be a part of securing a job that is very high stress for most people. They are worried about coming off well to the new employer and can get nervous. Many people also stress about how to answer difficult questions that sometimes they can or can’t anticipate. Here are three questions that are asked fairly often but stress a lot of people out. Here are some tips on how to answer them well. While on the surface the below three questions seem like they are very straightforward your answers to these can sometimes make or break the interview. Question Number 1: Tell Me About Yourself. • A lot times an interviewer throws this question out as a soft ball question to try and put you at ease. They basically want you to tell them about yourself as it relates to the employer you are interviewing for. So essentially think about it in the terms of why are you a good fit for this job. • You should have good examples from your past professional experience to talk about why you are the right person for the position. • Your answer should not begin “I was born in a log cabin in Illinois.” Question Number 2: What are your strengths and weaknesses? • Practice this one because you will get it – if you feel like you are going on too long to this one then you probably are! • Employers like to ask this to see how you react to something that is somewhat uncomfortable to answer. You should have two to three strengths prepared and know those answers cold. • In regards to weaknesses you always need to think of something (Continued on Page 6) Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.


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Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013


WILDHORSE At no time will any source be allowed to use the Wildhorse Messenger contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Wildhorse Messenger is exclusively for the private use of the Wildhorse HOA and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

(Continued from Page 4) you can turn into a positive. Whenever you give your weakness always tie in your solution to your weakness as well. I.e. “I tend to be a perfectionist and always want to do things absolutely perfect. While I recognize this is not always achievable or can set me back on deadlines if I work on something too long I have devised a time management system for myself to always check my work at various intervals so my perfectionist tendencies do not hold up my ability to meet deadlines.” Question Number 3: Why should we choose you as our top candidate for the job? • This is where that self-analysis from your earlier prep comes in handy – honesty is best policy but not in the form of “I am truly the best person you can find to do the job.” Being humble goes a long way with employers. • Try to genuinely think about the skills you have and what skills you have used in your past positions that make you the person that is right for the job. Try to use specific examples here of things you can do to be innovative in this position. Really try to show the employer you have given this a great deal of thought and you can truly hit the ground running.

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Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013

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Teen Night at the Timber Country Pool


On August 10, 2013 from 7 pm to 9 pm the Social Committee is hosting a Teen Night at the Timber Country Pool. We will have a DJ and food and drinks as well as some fun games and prizes. The event is open to teens age 13-17 and we ask that parents come forward to chaperone the event. Pool cards will be required for entry into the event. To volunteer to assist at the event please email social@wildhorsecommunity. com. We are in great need of volunteers to make sure our events run smoothly and are fun for all who partake in them. Â We hope that some of our older scout troops with teens this age and their leaders will consider attending this community event!

Are you a teen interested in finding work in the community? Look no further than the Teen Job seeker column here in the Wildhorse Newsletter. If you are interested in participating, email your name and contact phone. Please also indicate if you have either CPR or First Aid training and what job categories you desire: Babysitting, Pet sitting/walking, House sitting, and Yard Work. It is a new year and in an effort to clean up the Teen Jobseekers list, we will be removing all names from the list. If you are currently on the list and would like to continue to be listed, please contact teenjobs@wildhorsecommunity.com to resubmit your information.

Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013




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Wildhorse Messenger - July 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

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