Davenport Ranch - August 2013

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Davenport Ranch

Volume 9, Number 8 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association

August 2013 www.DavenportRanch.org


Board Bytes: Communications Committee Update Davenport Homeowners, Recently, the HOA has met to address the ways we are able to communicate information to homeowners, as well as how homeowners might communicate with one another more effectively. We have dubbed this working group the Communications Committee, and we wanted to highlight and answer a few questions that have come to mind. Website: First, we are primarily relying on the Goodwin Management website at this time to store neighborhood documents, such as CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Community Policies. If you are in need of this information (i.e. when you need to review deed restrictions before embarking on a build), you can turn to www.goodwintx.com and select “Davenport Ranch Neighborhood” to access our page. Here you will find pertinent documents as well as the forms necessary to submit a project for Architectural Review. We have also added a new document listed as Architectural Review Information to help you navigate the ARB process. You will also find announcements listed on this page, such as the meeting time and place of the next HOA Board meeting. Earline Wakefield’s contact information is listed here as well, should you need to get in touch with our manager. The original neighborhood site, www.davenportranch.org, is still functional if you have a password and login, but we are currently working to find a new admin to this site and therefore cannot respond to requests for new logins and passwords. Thanks for your patience, and in the meantime, the Goodwin site contains the vast majority of the same information. Social Media: To utilize social media and deliver news quickly, the Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association has joined both Facebook and Twitter. We encourage you to join the Facebook feed by searching “Davenport Ranch Neighborhood” and liking the page and encouraging your friends/neighbors to do the same. Additionally, you may find us on Twitter by searching Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

the handle @AustinDRNA. We are going to be using this form of communication to alert homeowners to meetings (HOA meetings, Firewise), neighborhood goings on (such as the redoing of the entrance sign at the intersection of Westlake Dr. and 360), social events, and even emergency alerts and announcement (i.e. in the event of a wildfire, crime spree, etc). You are welcome to join and communicate with one another by adding pertinent news and information to the site when you see fit. Newsletters: We will also continue to use our newsletters, Peel as well as Life in Davenport. If you would like to contribute to the newsletter, you are welcome to contact the HOA Secretary, Mercedes Frost, at the email address listed in the contacts page. Email: And finally, the Board will be mailing out a contacts request in the near future to build up our neighborhood email address list as well as gather your opinions regarding useful forms of communication. Please be on the lookout for this mailer, and remember that all information is voluntarily submitted, and your participation would greatly facilitate the dissemination of information from the HOA.

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - August 2013


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