Pemberton Heights - August 2013

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

August 2013, Vol IV, Issue VIII

Patriotic Pembertonians Recall Revolution Thirty neighbors gathered at noon on July 4th to commemorate America’s founding fathers with a public reading of The Declaration of Independence. Fortified by bottled water, Coke Zero and Miller Lite, six people from throughout Pemberton took turns reading portions of the revolutionary document while additional neighbors looked on. Billy Wroe, Betty Trent, Mike Klatt, Terrill Fischer, Cate Walsh and Loretta Fischer served as readers. After each section reading, Tina Weinberger chimed in with a “ringing of the bell” for liberty. Following the reading, everyone enjoyed ice cream and socialized while patriotic march music played. (Refreshments were underwritten by the Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association). Mike Klatt & Molly Dougherty

Terrill Fischer & Jeff Weinberger Billy Wroe Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

The Pemberton Journal - August 2013


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