Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter
August 2013
Volume 8, Issue 8
Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association
July Yard of the Month winners
Congrats to the following residents who help make Stone Canyon a better place to live! 1st 8509 Sea Ash Circle 2nd 8301 Ironwood Run 3rd 7400 Two Jacks Trail
Texas’ National Night Out 2013 Coming October 1st
National Night Out is August 6th this year. But for the great state of Texas, our National Night Out is October 1st. You can guess why: temperatures of 100°+ make it too darn hot. So, it is time to start the planning process for our Neighborhood, and I am looking for your help. I need bids for catering, bouncing castles, volunteers, ideas…. The bid price is always important, but we will also take into consideration whether the bidder is a resident of Stone Canyon or not. Please contact Donna Scoggins at neighborhoodwatch
Honorable Mention goes to: 8107 Broken Branch 8007 Magic Mountain Cove 18109 Whitewater 8318 Fern Bluff 9003 Sunburst Terrace Gardening in Texas can be a challenge, so Thank You for your efforts! Yard of the Month Committee
In the News: The Annual 4th of July Parade was great fun. Park Valley residents came out to join in on the fun, greeting the parade members while passing out candy. The big red Sam Bass Fire truck led the parade. The firemen and firewomen stayed a while to visit with all parade participants, allowing for tours of the great red truck! Cookies, candy, water and big smiles were in abundance! Special thanks to Sonya Buford and David Clark for making this a happening event! Special thanks to those of you who are involved in our neighborhood activities and betterment!
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2013
CANYON StoneSTONE Canyon Owners & Association Management Teams
STONE CANYON OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President/ACC/Good Neighbor/YOM Laura Vice President/Capital Improvement/Maintenance/Website/ Newsletter Gregg Secretary/Landscape/Recreation/Pool Jessica Treasurer Open Parliamentarian Open Landscape Cathy COMMITTEE CHAIRS ACC Recreation Laura Swimming Pool Yard of the Month Amelia Dansby & Cathy Soukup......... Maintenance Al Landscape Cathy Soukup.................................. Neighborhood Watch Donna Newsletter Judith Horton ................................. Good Neighbor Laura Kouns ................................... Webmaster Ron Kellam.........................
KEY CONTACTS In an attempt to make things easier to find, we have provided some key contact information for various organizations that you might need to contact. If you have a suggestion for information to add, please contact the web committee. HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION: Bob Nardo - Goodwin Management............... 512-852-7965 ................... 11149 Research Blvd Suite 100, Austin, TX 78759 Payment Address: Stone Canyon Owners Association P.O. Box 93447, C/O Goodwin Processing Center Las Vegas, NV 89193-3447 Governmental Agencies: Fern Bluff Mud..............................................512-238-0606 ................ 7320 Wyoming Springs, Round Rock, TX 78681 City of Round Rock......................................512-218-5400 ............................... 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, TX Williamson County Commissioners Office....512-248-3238 ............ 400 W. Main St., Ste. 216, Round Rock, TX 78664 Williamson County Constable (Robert Chody) 512-248-3239 ....................211 Commerce Cove, Round Rock, TX 78664 Williamson County Sheriff’s Office (Non-Emergency)..........................................512-943-1300 Williamson County EMS (Non-Emergency)..........................................512-943-1264 Round Rock ISD.......................... (512) 464-5000 ext 1311 .....................Round Rock Avenue, Round Rock, TX 78681 Misc. Services: Gas Line Malfunction..... (Business Hours) 1-800-460-3030 .............................................(After Hours) 1-800-817-8090 Street Light Repair - TU Electric................1-800-242-9113 Texas Utilities (TXU).................................1-800-368-1398 Southwestern Bell.......................................1-888-294-8433 Time Warner Cable.......................................512-485-5555 Williamson County Road and Bridge............512-943-3330
TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS Name ................................... Babysit............Pet Sit ......Sub/Age ................... Phone Allison Bird*.............................. •.....................•...........SC-14..................341-9089 Christin O’Brien........................ •.................................SC -14.................341-8183 Alexandra Orzech*..................... •.................................SC-14..................310-0509 Katie Love.................................. •.................................SC-14..................255-0652 Aja Moore.................................. •.................................SC-16..................248-8011 Drew Daily................................ •.................................SC-13..................218-8405 Jenny Lee................................... •.....................•...........SC-16..................733-5460 Amanda Parsley.......................... •.................................SC-18..................218-8605 Megan Roten............................. •.................................FB-16...................244-9662 Lyndee Arenas*.......................... •.....................•...........SC-15..................996-0061 Grace Hochhalter*..................... •.....................•...........SC-16..................255-1603 Katherine Yoder*........................ •.....................•...........SC-18..................658-1602 Katelyn Leistico*........................ •.................................SC-16..................255-5758 The Teenage Job Seekers listing service is offered free of charge to all Stone Canyon teenagers seeking work. Stone Canyon OA does not endorse any of the teenage job seekers. Please -email to be added or removed from the list.
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2013
Kelsey Leigh*............................. •.....................•...........SC-13..................586-1642 Mary Pochkowski....................... •.....................•...........SC-13..................750-1739 Sydney Snowden........................ • ....................•...........SC-15..................415-4370 McKinlely Stearns*..................... •.....................•...........SC-13..................294-2051 Casey Groves.............................. •.....................•...........SC-17..................743-0050 Sarah Brill.................................. •.....................•...........SC-14..................775-0740 Michelle Wang*.......................... •.................................SC-15..................733-1166 Sivan Lubinin............................. •.....................•...........SC-14..................284-4382 Todd Attridge....................................................•...........SC-15..................590-3677 Emily Bastis*.............................. •.....................•...........SC-13..................244-1507 Madison Bergstrom.................... •.....................•...........SC-14..................246-1025 Jillian Horton*........................... •.................................SC-12..................255-1833 Destiny Allen............................. •.....................•...........SC-13..................619-1536 Cameron Hansel...............................................•...........SC-15..................288-1076 Isabella Bautista*...........................................................SC-11..................716-1628 *BS- Certified Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
New Board Members Special thanks to those of you who are involved in the betterment of our neighborhood! Two New board members were voted in on Monday July 15th. We welcome Alvin Maus and Tina Riquelmy to the board and Scott Campbell will be a new committee member on the Architectural Control Committee, ACC. Al and Tina’s board terms will begin immediately and run through April of next year, at the time of our next Annual meeting.
community newsletters
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Neighborly Concerns Neighbors are voicing concerns on the topics below: • Cars or trailers parked in the streets - We all want to insure that our neighborhood is a safe environment especially for our children. When cars are parked on one or both sides of our residential streets they create some blind spots for drivers as well as walkers or runners in the case where most of our children are concerned. • Puppy Poop - Please pick up after your puppy. The board is looking into the possibility of adding a few of the puppy poop stations. We will keep you informed on the progress. • Low-hanging trees – Low-hanging trees across sidewalks can be a hazard to others. Trim them up and you will make both your trees and your neighbors very happy. • Trash cans – Trash cans are not very pleasant to look at. Trash cans shouldn’t be put out on the street prior to 6:00pm of the evening before pickup occurs. Storage of trash cans should be in a location that is not visible to the street or to your side neighbors.
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Stone Canyon
Volunteers make our Neighborhood our Community our World Great The basic definition of a volunteer is: A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation voluntarily; To do charitable or helpful work without pay. But this definition falls exceedingly short of telling us what a volunteer really is. Perhaps we can learn more by “listening” to how some folks have described volunteers. Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain love for one another. --Erma Bombeck We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. --Mother Teresa Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. --Margaret Mead It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. --Ralph Waldo Emerson No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers. --Ronald Reagan The truth of the matter is that a volunteer is the heart of our community. A volunteer is one who gives, gives and gives some more. A volunteer is someone who is undergirding the town, neighborhood or city with quality service that money can’t buy. Volunteers are making a difference each and every day. If you volunteer...THANK YOU. If you know a volunteer... THANK THEM! If you want to become a volunteer,, PLEASE DO!
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2013
I saw this article above, and couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It illustrates how volunteering helps everyone, including ourselves. That being said, Our Neighbors need Our Neighbors! We need each other to make this the best neighborhood that it can be. We all want to live in the safest, friendliest and most beautiful environment possible. To achieve and/or continue to maintain this, all of us need to participate. Please look around and see if there is something that you would like to get more involved with. There are numerous opportunities, here are just a few: Architectural Committee – could you be one who works to understand and implement recent legislative changes as related to HOA’s; or one who could improve the ACC approval process; or someone who has the vision to move towards maintaining within the changing environmental resource limitations? Yard of the Month – could you be one who promotes yard beautification; or one who rewards neighbors who achieve it? Landscaping and Common Area Beautification – could you be one who sees those little and sometimes big things that need attention within our common areas; could you be one who promotes Green activities; and provides your neighbors with great information to that they can get in on the action? Recreation – could you be one who plans, coordinates, or participates in neighborhood events; could you be the one that brings neighbors together for fun? Swimming Pool – could you be one that looks out for our neighborhood pool; or promotes pool safety? Neighborhood Watch –could you be a block captain, one who rallies your neighbors, to watch out for one another while helping to prevent possible criminal activity? Newsletter and Web News - could you be one to bring the news to our community; possibly sharing of calendar events for the month; note hot topics going on in our surrounding area? NEIGHBORS NEED NEIGHBORS! Thanks Laura Kouns
Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Stone Canyon
Flowers To Take The Heat
I have been experimenting with a few different flowers so that I can have color in the yard most of the summer. I grew up in Ohio, and it is hard to get that Mid-West style of gardening out of my system. But I am learning quickly, as the plants I grew in Ohio just don’t hold up to this Texas sun, soil or lack of rain! Shame on the ‘big box’ garden centers & nurseries for not doing more to alert first-time gardeners (or first-time-in-Texas gardeners!) to the perils of growing some of the plants they carry. I have some experience gardening so I know to stay away from plants such as Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Hosta, Lily of the Valley, Bleeding Heart, Fuchsia to name just a few as they would be tough plants to grow in this area. Some of the above like acid soil (we have Limestone), or high water needs, or shade or they just don’t tolerate the high heat we have! My other gripe with garden centers is that the plants are not marked if they are invasive. I planted a tall version of Ruellia- it will take over in no time. I pulled it out over a year ago & still have the plants coming up; the rhizomes spread quickly underground & continue to grow even if a little piece is left in the ground. Nowhere on the tag did it mention being invasive or that it should not be planted near parks or preserves. For great plant choice & care info just pick up a copy of Native & Adapted Landscape Plants. It is put out by the City of Austin. It is free & usually at any garden center. The booklet includes plants, evergreens & trees along with their planting requirements. It really contains a wealth of information. Below are just a few flowers I have had success with, maybe you can try them as well. Sun: Copper Canyon Daisy, Batface Cuphea, Mexican Heather, Coreopsis, Hybrid Lantana, Mexican Marigold, Society Garlic, Lavender, Leadwort Plumbago, Purple Heart, Sedum, Daylily, Ponyfoot. Shade: Acuba, Japanese Aralia, Cast Iron Plant, various ferns, Variegated Flax lily, Purple Heart, Ponyfoot. Purple Heart & Ponyfoot are listed for both sun & shade as I have had success either way with these plants. Ponyfoot is definitely a keeper as it does well trailing over the edge in pots (full sun) or as a ground cover in a shady area that has poor soil. I would love to hear about your favorite plants and their place in your yard! Perhaps the Stone Canyon newsletter could have a monthly column containing our resident’s gardening successes & failures. We can learn from each other’s experience. Please email me @ Happy gardening to all! Cathy Soukup/Yard of the Month Committee Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2013
Stone Canyon
Crossword Puzzle
Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
View answers online at DOWN ACROSS 1. Incline 1. Tack 2. Change 5. Giant 3. Small particle 9. Philippine dish with marinated 4. Compass point chicken or pork 5. Night bird 11. Journalist's question 6. Body snatcher 12. Tiny insects 7. Cultivate 13. Cut of beef 8. Volcano 14. School group 10. Change into bone 15. South 16. Musical productions 17. United States 18. Canadian prov. 18. Bottle need 19. Palladium (abbr.) 20. Upset 20. Many 22. Cow's chow 21. Perfect 23. Year (abbr.) 22. Captain (abbr.) 24. Computer makers 24. Institution (abbr.) 27. Brews 25. Swain 29. Sleep disorder 26. African country 31. Parent teacher groups 28. Fast plane 32. Strong rope fiber 30. Pastry 33. Bend 34. Decorative needle case © 2006. Feature Exchange
At no time will any source be allowed to use the Stone Canyon HOA Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association residents only.
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t Augus r a Calend
Ongoing: Volunteers needed to distribute water safey packets, August 19: Got2Skate for Colin's Hope Fundraiser, 6:30-8:30pm at Playland Skate Center August 29: Colin's Hope Got2Swim Lake Austin 10K/10 miler, September 8: 5th Annual Colin’s Hope Kids Triathlon, October 19: Sharkfest Austin Swim benefitting Colin’s Hope,
ALERT: 36 Texas children have lost their lives to a fatal drowning this year. Many more have survived non-fatal drowning incidents. Be a Water Guardian and Watch Kids around Water. Drownings are preventable!
Volunteer - Donate COLINSHOPE.ORG
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Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2013
Stone Canyon 308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2013
Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.