The Dominion - September 2013

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DOMINION MAIN GUARD CENTER The Main Guard House renovation is almost complete and is scheduled to open September 1, 2013. The project has been well managed by the contractor, Mauze Construction, in an effort to minimize inconvenience to residents. The renovation of the main guard house is being completed on time and within budget. Please continue to contact the centralized Security dispatch phone number at (210) 698-0041 for all security related issues, including registering your guests and vendors. If you are put on hold, please be patient as your call will be answered in the order in which it was received. Remember, QuickPass is the best and most efficient way to authorize guest and vendors access to your residence. The opening of the Dominion Main Guard Center will coincide with the extension of a security fence from the Country Club parking lot. The security fence is designed to deter people from walking into The Dominion from the tennis center parking lot. ROUND IT UP, DIG IT UP OR COVER IT UP By Karen Guz, Director of Conservation for San Antonio Water Systems

For all of the talk about grass dying or looking unsightly during drought, it’s surprising how hard it can be to eliminate it when you’re doing it purposely. Grass can be tenacious and return to compete with new plants if it’s not eradicated properly. Here are three ways to permanently remove grass in preparation for installing your new garden bed through the Water Saver Landscape Coupon program: Round it up – A contact herbicide containing glyphosate, such as Roundup, is one method for killing grass. Read all label instructions carefully and avoid spraying it on windy days. Remember that these products work best on actively growing grass or plants. Let the product take effect for at least a week and observe to determine if a second application is necessary. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.


September 2013

Dig it up – Using a spade or round nose shovel remove the sod and at least 1inch of soil. This is most effective in yards that are easy to dig and do not have tenacious Bermuda. You have the benefit of instant gratification if it’s done well, but you will get a tough workout. Cover it up – This is another method that requires persistence: solarizing. The principle is to eliminate light from the grass area long enough to kill it. A tight application of a tarp over the area for several weeks discourages much of the growth. Newspapers in thick layers (at least six to eight pages deep) can also discourage grass growth. The newspaper, which will decompose over time, should be wet and not allow openings for blades of grass to reach sunlight. If you have Bermuda or deep soils, you may need a combination of all three. Laying weed barriers (plastics or fabrics) under mulch is a personal choice. The barrier may prevent grass and weeds from returning but it must be pinned down properly to be effective and to prevent it from protruding through the mulch. Once you have killed your grass for good it’s now time to plant your full sun or partial shade plant package! ACH DEBIT AVAILABLE The Dominion Homeowners Association would like to encourage residents to utilize ACH Debit for monthly HOA dues at no additional cost. Simply come by the HOA office with a voided check and complete the form. We will automatically debit your bank account on the 20th day of each month. Residents may also pay online at Simply click on the “Pay Now” tab and follow the instructions. If you need your User ID and password please call our office at 210-698-1232. At this time, The Cottage Estates HOA does not accept ACH Debit payment or online bill pay. The Outlook - September 2013


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