Pemberton Heights - September 2013

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

Call for Nominations for the PHNA Board! Yes, It has been a year since we did this! Any interested PHNA Member may nominate any Member of PHNA, including himself or herself. A nominee must be from a dues paying household in order to run or hold office. Nominations must be made in writing by hand delivery, mail, fax or email to the PHNA Secretary. All nominations must include a contact telephone number or email address for the Nominee. Nominations for Board members must be received by 5:00 pm on October 1st. All eligible candidates will be published in the October PHNA Neighborhood List( and website . Nominations received by September 14 will be published in the October newsletter.

Pemberton Heights Garage Sale Day Save The Date!


Pemberton Heights residents are invited to participate in a neighborhood wide garage sale day. Everyone who’s been collecting miscellaneous items ought to consider putting them out for sale in their front yard or driveway on the last Saturday in September. Why have a Neighborhood Garage Sale Day? More stuff draws more traffic. A multifamily sale is better then selling alone. Plus, it can be a fun community event. Besides the old baseball mitt and gently used slow-cooker, enterprising kids can practice entrepreneurial skills with lemonade stands and bake sales. Another advantage of a neighborhood sale is that individual sellers don’t have to offer a large number of things. You can participate with just a handful of items, which might not be enough to support a whole sale by themselves. At this neighborhood garage sale day, each participant is responsible for their own selling. The plan involves co-operative advertising and promotion but not combined sales. Participants will retain all the revenue from sales of their items. The PHNA has allocated $250 to pay for signage at the entrances of the neighborhood and ads in the Austin American Statesman. Participants in the sale are encouraged to prepare their own signs as well. For more information contact: Jane Hayman,, (415) 516 1296. (Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

S eptember 2013, Vol IV, Issue IX

Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Picnic SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 5-7PM

Please save the date for the annual Pemberton Heights neighborhood picnic – a wonderful chance to meet and socialize with neighbors. We are still in the process of planning the picnic. The social committee is working hard to make this the best picnic ever! About the Picnic The Pemberton Heights neighborhood picnic is an annual tradition held on Jean Meuller’s empty lot at 1404 Wooldridge. It’s a great chance to socialize with your neighbors, meet new ones and sign up for the annual neighborhood carriage rides held in December. This year we are featuring: • The P. Terry’s food truck serving up hamburgers, chicken burgers and veggie burgers • Supervised bouncy house • Face painting • Homemade desserts donated by neighborhood volunteers • NEW this year – Live Music • This year we are having a pumpkin carving contest for all ages with ribbons and prizes for different age groups. Plan to bring your carved pumpkins and compete for pumpkin carving bragging rights. • And much more still in the works! Cost: • Neighborhood Association dues for 2013/2014: $30 per household (Continued on Page 2)

The Pemberton Journal - September 2013


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