Wildhorse - September 2013

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WILD September 2013




Volume V, Issue 9

Official Publication of the Wildhorse Homeowners Association

Wildhorse Community


Wildhorse Community Night Out is a night where our community comes together to stand up to crime. Residents are encouraged to join their neighbors and meet new community members to build neighborhood spirit and unity as the first defense against crime. Research shows that crimes go down when neighbors know each other and look out for one another. Please join us and help send a message that Wildhorse is organized and united against crime! The Wildhorse Community Night Out will be on Saturday, October 5th at 6pm. Residents should arrive at the Sports Park to check-in and receive their raffle tickets. Each household will receive 5 tickets upon check-in. Additional tickets can be earned by participating in the games scheduled for the evening and also through volunteering efforts such as community clean up days and other board sponsored events. The games will begin at approximately 6:20 pm. After checking in, make your way over to the ice cream bar and load your bowl full of delicious treats. As you enjoy your ice cream, peruse the various vendor booths and select your favorite raffle prizes. Each vendor will have a raffle box where you can place one (or all) of your tickets for a chance to win. The raffle will close at 7:00 pm and winners will be announced at 7:15 pm. Must be present to win! On page 3, you will find a list of the generous vendors and prizes that they will be raffling. We want to thank our sponsors for helping us unite as a community. Come on out and see what services they have to offer, or just come and have a great time with friends. Your patronage to these businesses is encouraged and appreciated. Cut out this article and hang on your fridge! We have over $1,000 in prizes that will be given out and hope to see you there! Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

Community Clean Up Calling all volunteers! The Public Works Committee is looking for volunteers to help clean trash out of the green belt along Wildhorse Parkway and the Sports Park.

When Saturday September 14th from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Where Meet at the Sports Park Pavilion

What to Bring We recommend you bring gloves as well as your family and neighbors. There will be donuts provided for all the volunteers. All ages are welcome!

If you will be able to make it, please RSVP to the Public Works Committee at: publicworks@ wildhorsecommunity.com

Wildhorse Messenger - September 2013


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