October 2013
The Dominion is the premier community in San Antonio. One of the reasons for this distinction is the presence of 24/7 manned gates and patrol. The Dominion HOA places the highest priority on security, with about one-third of the expenses of the HOA devoted to security services. Several months ago, The Dominion HOA implemented a new security initiative using off-duty SAPD officers. The off-duty SAPD officers conduct ID checks of randomly selected vendor vehicles at the gates and make random field inspections of vendors on work sites. During such field inspections, the SAPD officers ascertain if all vendor personnel are accounted for. If not, the vendor may be required to leave the community.
The off-duty SAPD officers do not normally conduct traffic stops or issue citations. However, the off-duty officers do respond to incidents they deem to be a threat to person or property in The Dominion. These off-duty SAPD officers have the full authority of on-duty officers to uphold the laws of the State of Texas and City of San Antonio. Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.
At this early stage, the initiative seems to be having a positive impact on security. During its ID checks, SAPD has arrested several individuals with outstanding warrants and turned away many vendors that do not posses valid IDs. They have also identified and tracked individuals with notable criminal histories. This use of SAPD officers is intended to further assurance safety in The Dominion community. No effort is guaranteed 100% effective but each effort helps make The Dominion a more difficult target for crime. The pervasive use of SAPD officers has been expensive, but necessary. The visible presence of SAPD on bike or golf cart is intended to create a real deterrence to crime in the community. The Dominion HOA will evaluate the effectiveness of this use of SAPD officers early next year and will continue to make changes, as necessary, to maintain The Dominion as the safest and most premier community in San Antonio. Below are some comments sent to The Association in the last few months, regarding security and the recent initiatives: (Continued on Page 3) The Outlook - October 2013