Meadows of Brushy Creek - October 2013

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Meadows of Brushy Creek

October 2013

Volume 6, Issue 10

yard OF THE month I’m so sorry for excluding our Yard of the month in the last issue, so this has two entries. Our winning yard for August was 16504 Denise, and our winning yard for September was 8608 Pepper Rock. Both

of these yards are extremely well-kept. It’s very difficult to maintain yards in these dog days of summer, but these yards are exceptional. Please do yourself a favor and drive by to see a couple pretty yards.

RAIN BARRELS With summer temperatures bearing heavily upon us and no end to our drought in sight, a question about the feasibility and accessibility of rain barrels for personal rain water collection was raised. My name is Gene Bennett and I have been collecting rain water from my rooftop since 2005. I set up a system of gutters and downspouts that channel into three tanks that hold up to a thousand gallons of rainwater. This has become a life source for my garden and landscape and saved me a tremendous amount of money. Some of you might have the time and ability to install rain barrels for yourselves. Others would undoubtedly want some assistance. I have contacted a local dealer selling rain barrels and we’ve worked out some pricing on rain barrels especially for the residents of Meadows of Brushy Creek. He has offered to sell us 125 gallon rain barrels at $189.95 apiece. The HOA requires us to place the rain barrels at the rear of

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our homes –or somewhere else as long as they’re not visible from the street. If your home doesn’t currently have gutters you would have to contact a gutter installation company first. They would have to install a length of guttering off your roof edge to feed the rain barrel. Only a small amount of your roof would require guttering. You would be amazed how much water can be collected from only a quarter inch of rainfall. If you are interested in purchasing/installing these rain barrels please contact me personally. I will gladly answer any questions, and I will put you in contact with the right people. Just be sure to mention that you are a resident of Meadows of Brushy Creek. Gene Bennett HOA Board President of Meadows of Brushy Creek 512.963.5623

Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - October 2013 1

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