The Pemberton Journal
The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication
Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association
By-Laws Vote Passes! In the recent By-Laws election we had 40 ballots cast. The proposed PHNA By-Laws changes were adopted by the members by a 72% approval margin. 29 voted yes 11 voted no Among other minor changes, the following were approved: The small group of homes on Westover, west end of Jefferson, have been added to the neighborhood. Please join us in welcoming these new neighbors to the association! We hope to see many of them at the October neighborhood picnic. The new By-Laws will provide flexibility for the size of the Board to be enlarged from five to as many as nine members based on the interest of the membership in serving. The Board size increase will allow committee chairs to function more closely with the Board as officers. The amended version of the By-Laws can be viewed on the Pemberton Heights website.
O ctober 2013, Vol IV, Issue X
Upcoming PHNA Board Election! Due to the recent By-Laws change, 6 positions will be available for election on the next year’s board. Nominations for Board members must have been received by 5:00 pm on October 1st. The ballot will be finalized by October 10 and voting will begin November 2. Ballots may be viewed on the website and Nextdoor. You must be a dues paying member prior to November 15 in order to cast a vote. Please consider joining and paying your dues at the October 20th neighborhood picnic. The current Board and candidates will be available for conversation and questions. All ballots must be mailed to the PHNA P.O. Box. by November 15. Updates will be posted on the website and Nextdoor.
Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Picnic SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 5-7PM
• Picnic items donated by our sponsors: P. Terry’s lemonade, Maine Root sodas, Buddha’s Brew kombucha, Teo gelato (donated by Frost Bank) • And NEW this year: o Live music (acoustic) o Pumpkin carving contest. Plan to bring your already-carved pumpkins and compete for a prize ribbon & bragging rights. o A chance to win fabulous prizes from local businesses (see list of sponsors) (Continued on Page 2) Please RSVP for the Pemberton Heights neighborhood picnic – a wonderful chance to meet and socialize with neighbors. The Pemberton Heights neighborhood picnic is an annual tradition held on Jean Mueller’s empty lot at 1404 Wooldridge. It’s a great chance to socialize with your neighbors, meet new ones and sign up for the annual neighborhood carriage rides held in December. This year we are featuring: • The P. Terry’s food truck serving up hamburgers, chicken burgers and veggie burgers • Supervised bouncy house • Face painting • Homemade desserts donated by neighborhood volunteers Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.
The Pemberton Journal - October 2013