Sonoma - October 2013

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The Grapevine October 2013, Volume 7, Issue 10

ANNUAL HOA MEETING For the first time in many years, we had a quorum at the Annual Meeting that was held on August 14, 2013! Thank you to everyone who attend and sent in your proxies. Carl Anderson, Donna Kohn and Will Smith were elected to 2 year terms. The Board will vote on specific positions at their next regular monthly meeting.

The Grapevine

Official Publication of Sonoma Homeowners Association

SONOMA SOCIAL EVENTS 2013 The Social Committee has put together another fun filled year of activities for your family. If you are looking to gather with your neighbors or make new friends, come out and mingle!

October 26

Halloween Party at Barefoot Pool, 3-5pm, petting zoo, train and pony rides

December 7

Santa Claus returns to Barefoot Pool, 11-1pm


Your help is needed to make these events successful... if you can volunteer your time for any event, please contact Cyndi Wasserboehr at or 512-294-2183.

Please report any broken sprinklers or other irrigation irregularities to This would include any areas sprinkling when you think they shouldn't or any water coming from sprinkler heads in an improper fashion.

Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

The Grapevine - October 2013


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