Twin Creeks TRIBUNE
October 2013
Volume 6, Issue 10
Official Publication of the Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association
Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch We would like to send a huge “THANK YOU” to Bryant Early who went above and beyond to help facilitate the Limited Purpose Annexation Meeting held on Monday, September 9th at the Twin Creeks Clubhouse. We had an astounding turnout and were excited to see all the concerned homeowners coming out and becoming educated on the annexation process. Additionally we would like to send another huge “THANK YOU” to all the Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Block Captains who put in many, many, many hours of time to help obtain signatures for the annexation from all our neighbors! It’s awesome to see the results of what happens when we work together as a TEAM! Great job everyone! Thank you to all the Block Captains who helped facilitate bringing their street just a little bit closer together again this year.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH BLOCK CAPTAIN UPDATE Twin Creeks welcomes our two new Block Captains…
National Night Out October 1, 2013 was the second year that Twin Creeks participated in National Night Out, what a huge success! It was really great to see all the front porch lights stay on throughout the night this year. There have been multiple stories that have been shared with the block captains and myself how people really enjoyed meeting their neighbors! The big hit this year, much like last year… “Pot Luck Dinner” on the street or cul-de-sac. This consisted of people bringing their favorite dishes & desserts to a central location on each street (many smaller streets joined with other streets), while neighbors visited together and got to know one another. All the while their children were playing, making posters, riding bikes and enjoying the great food also!
John Simonich – Beeliegh Court Donna (Babe) Rogers – Ben Doran Court Why not volunteer to serve as a Block Captain by contacting Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairperson, Terra Tisdale, at Block Captains for the following streets are still needed: THE PARK Tattler Dr THE RESERVE Granite Ct, Hidden Hills, Millstream, Mossy Grove, Mystic Summit, Sugar Maple, and Winged Elm
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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - October 2013