Westside at Buttercup Creek - October 2013

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Westside at Buttercup Creek

Westside news Volume 4, Number 10

Official Newsletter of the Westside at Buttercup Creek HOA

October 2013

HOA Annual Meeting and Elections Two out of the five board positions are up for election this year. The election takes place at the annual meeting which will be held at the Cedar Park Public Library on October 14th if we have over 500 homeowners at the meeting either in person or by proxy, or at the Cedar Park Police Station on November 11th if there were not enough attending the October meeting. Sign in starts at 7pm and the meeting will begin at 7:30pm. Each HOA member should have already received by mail the Annual Meeting information which included the ballot/ proxy. You have the option to fill out your ballot and send it

in if you are unable to attend the meeting. We hope that this will encourage more participation in the process. You also still have the option to write in someone who you chose to be your proxy and represent you at the meeting if you would rather do that. We have three candidates running for the two board positions. They are Denny James, Walt Conlin and Dawn Harris. At the annual meeting the candidates will have a few minutes to present themselves before voting. You can read more about them by going to the HOA website at www.westsidehoa.org

The Issue of Street Parking By Darrell Park, HOA President HOA members (and please pass this on to your friends and neighbors), Due to much discussion in the HOA recently surrounding parking issues, I talked some more with our HOA attorney to make sure things were clear. What it really comes down to is that since we don't own or have any control over the streets, we really can't enforce anything. Even if our CCR's clearly said absolutely NO parking in the street, it could not legally be enforced by the HOA. Some other HOA's may have private streets that the city does not own which would allow HOA enforcement. We, like most other HOA's are not in that situation. However, with the parking guideline in our CCR's, we can call that a violation all we want and try to remind people to follow our rules. We just can't force people to do anything or fine them. There is no problem though sending them our one page parking violation letter that explains the benefits of not parking on the street and encourages them to follow that guideline. Anything that is against city laws should be reported Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

to the city. So yes, it is a violation, but it's a violation that we cannot fine or force compliance. Here is the letter we send out when a street parking violation is reported: Dear Neighbor: In our collective efforts to make the Westside at Buttercup Creek HOA a safer and higher quality environment in which to live, we would like to ask everyone to please park all vehicles in their garages or driveways rather than in the street. Children and pets can easily dart out from behind a parked car into the path of a vehicle. Vehicles parked on the street can be a hindrance to emergency service vehicles when the difference between life and death can be just a minute or two. When parking in the driveway, please ensure you do not block the sidewalks with parked vehicles. This will enable walkers, joggers, children on bikes, etc. to remain safely on the sidewalks. We realize that this may cause a minor inconvenience to everyone (Continued on Page 2) Westside News - October 2013 1

Westside at Buttercup Creek BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Darrell Park......................darrelljpark@yahoo.com V. President, Dennis Domanski..... ddomanski@austin.rr.com Director, Phil Crochet..................... philjcrochet@yahoo.com Treasurer, David Jackson................. dmjackson7@yahoo.com Director, Natalie Woods................... natalie@radiorandy.com HOA Website........................................www.westsidehoa.org

MANAGEMENT INFO Celeste Starr Schulz - Property Manager Goodwin Management Office: 512-852-7922 Fax: 512-346-4873 Celeste.Schulz@Goodwintx.com

NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Randy Woods....................... westsidenewseditor@yahoo.com PUBLISHER Peel, Inc....................................................... 512-263-9181 Advertising............................... advertising@PEELinc.com

ADVERTISING INFO Please support the businesses that advertise in the Westside News. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Westside at Buttercup Creek residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 512-263-9181 or advertising@PEELinc.com. The advertising deadline is the 8th of each month for the following month's newsletter.

COMMITTEES Do you want to help out in the community but don’t have a lot of time? Join one of the following Committees and help out as much or as little as you want. Cave Preserve............. Darrell Park..........darrelljpark@yahoo.com Communications...... Randy Woods........randy1@radiorandy.com Fence...............POSITION AVAILABLE..................................... Landscaping.................Jerry Bordic....... jandrew78613@yahoo.com Modifications.......... Natalie Woods ....... natalie@radiorandy.com Neighborhood Watch....Phil Crochet..............philjcrochet@yahoo.com Pool.............................Jay Clover...............jay.clover@yahoo.com Social...............POSITION AVAILABLE.....................................


Westside News - October 2013

Street Parking - (Continued from Cover Page) from time to time, but the benefit for all owners will far outweigh the inconvenience. Thank you in advance for your participation in this effort. It is truly appreciated. Driveway parking and RV's, boats, trailers, commercial vehicles that meet the city definition, and other things like that are a whole other set of rules and guidelines. Please remember that for regular cars parked in the street, all the HOA can do is send out the above letter and try to promote not parking in the street. For all other things that are city violations the city officials need to be contacted. You can still report a street parking violation either through the website or by calling Goodwin, but please understand that the action that will be taken is to send out the above letter. Here again are the HOA parking guidelines: Street

Once any vehicle or trailer is parked in the street for 48 hours or more during a period of 7 consecutive days it becomes storage, not parking, and storage is not allowed. Driveway

Automobiles or small non-commercial passenger trucks in good repair, attractive condition and with current registration can be stored on a driveway indefinitely. Automobiles or small non-commercial passenger trucks that are either not in good repair, or not in attractive condition or do not have current registration cannot park on a driveway for 48 hours or more during a period of 7 consecutive days. No boat, trailer, recreational vehicle, camping unit, bus, commercial use truck, or self-propelled or towable equipment or machinery of any sort or any item deemed offensive by the Association can park on a driveway for 48 hours or more during a period of 7 consecutive days. Vehicles Marked with Business Advertising and Commercial Vehicles

If a vehicle has any kind of business advertising on it, but would look like a normal passenger car, truck or van without the advertising (no ladders, racks or other equipment), it will be treated as such. A vehicle of this type that also has equipment such as ladders or racks on it will be classified as a commercial vehicle. If a vehicle would not normally be classified, even without the business advertising, as a normal passenger car, truck or van then it will follow the rules of a commercial use vehicle and fall under those restrictions. Consequences of violating Article X, Section 10

Automobiles or small non-commercial passenger trucks in good repair, attractive condition and with current registration that are parked in the street 48 hours or more during a period of 7 consecutive days will receive a courtesy letter requesting that they follow the parking restrictions. This letter will be sent from the management company upon receiving a documented complaint from a neighbor of the violation. Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

Westside at Buttercup Creek All other violations (boats and RV's for example) of this restriction will also receive a courtesy letter and may be followed with fines if the violation is occurring on a Lot within the HOA. This letter will be sent from the management company upon receiving a documented complaint from a neighbor of the violation. These items may also be in violation of city ordinance and should be reported to city officials.

only park these vehicles on your driveway. Vehicles must not block sidewalks when parked on a driveway. When vehicles are parked in the street they must be oriented in the correct direction of travel with the exclusion of cul-de-sacs and semi cul-de-sacs in which cars may be parked perpendicular to the curb.

Westside at Buttercup Creek HOA CCR’s

Article 17.04 Stopping, Standing and Parking Regulations

Article X, Section 10

Storage of Boats, Trailers and Other Vehicles and Equipment. No boat, trailer, recreational, vehicle, camping unit, bus, commercial use truck, or self-propelled or towable equipment or machinery of any sort or any item deemed offensive by Declarant or the Association shall be stored on any street in the Property or on any Lot except in an enclosed structure or behind a solid fence, the design of which has been approved by The New Construction Committee or the Modifications Committee, except that during the construction of improvements on a Lot, necessary construction vehicles may be parked thereon from and during the time of necessity therefor. A fence enclosing a boat, trailer, recreational vehicle or the like shall be a solid wood fence at least six feet (6' ) tall and the side of such fence exposed to public view shall be the smooth side. This restriction shall not apply to automobiles or small non-commercial passenger trucks in good repair, attractive condition and having current registration status, provided that any such vehicles are parked on an improved driveway which has been approved by the New Construction Committee. Storage of approved vehicles on the driveway or street right-of- ways is defined as parking without movement for a period or forty eight (48) hours or more during a period of seven (7) consecutive days. No vehicle shall ever be permitted to be stored on the front or side lawn within view of the public. Removal of a boat, trailer, camper, recreational vehicle or other item restricted by this paragraph for short periods, so as to avoid the intent of this provision, shall not affect the running of the time periods set out herein. No vehicle shall ever be permitted to park on a driveway at a point where the vehicle obstructs pedestrians from use of a sidewalk. IT’S IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT WHILE OUR HOA HAS SPECIFIC RULES TO FOLLOW, THERE ARE ALSO SOME CITY ORDINANCES THAT ARE EVEN MORE STRICT IN REGARDS TO PARKING AND STORAGE. City Restrictions that must be reported to the Police

According to City Ordinance, a recreational vehicle is any vehicle or trailer designed for temporary dwelling or recreational purposes, and includes travel trailers, pick-up campers, camping trailers, motor coach homes, converted trucks, vans, and buses, boats, boat trailers, personal water crafts and personal watercraft trailers. These, along with commercial use vehicles, vehicles exceeding 21 feet in length and abandoned cars cannot be parked on any public street between 10pm and 6am. Furthermore, in order to have it parked on the street at any other time you must have a displayed permit issued by the city, which is good for up to 7 consecutive days and not more than 15 days within a calendar year. So without a permit, you can Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

City of Cedar Park Code of Ordinances

Sec. 17.04.004 Definitions

Trailer. Includes a semi-trailer, boat or boat trailer, recreational vehicle, house trailer, pole trailer or any other trailer as defined by Texas Traffic Laws. (1) For purposes of this article, a recreational vehicle is any vehicle or trailer designed for temporary dwelling or recreational purposes, and includes travel trailers, pick-up campers, camping trailers, motor coach homes, converted trucks, vans, and buses, boats, boat trailers, personal water crafts and personal watercraft trailers. Sec. 17.04.005 Parking prohibited on streets or in right-of-ways in residential subdivisions

It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any vehicle having a manufacturer’s rated carrying capacity of more than one and one-half (1½) tons or exceeding twenty-one (21) feet in length (measured from the outer most edge of the bumper or any appurtenances attached to such vehicle to the outer most edge of the bumper or appurtenance attached to the opposite end of such vehicle), any trailer, recreational vehicle, or any abandoned vehicle on any street or right-of-way in any area zoned for residential uses at any time, except as follows: (5) Recreational vehicles may be parked on the street for a period of not more than seven (7) consecutive days and not more than fifteen (15) days within calendar year, provided they hold a valid permit issued by the city. Such permit shall be issued to the resident or owner of the property and displayed upon the vehicle in public view noting the address where the vehicle is to be parked, date of validation and expiration date, and vehicle registration number; (7) It shall be unlawful to connect a recreational vehicle or utility trailer to any water or electricity, except when it is being readied for use elsewhere or for routine maintenance. It shall be unlawful under any circumstance to connect a recreational vehicle to any sewer, gas, television cable, or other utility line not listed in this section. Sec. 17.04.010 Commercial vehicle parking

No vehicle having a manufacturer’s rated carrying capacity of more than one and one-half (1½) tons or exceeding 21 feet in length (measured from the outer most edge of the bumper or any appurtenances attached to such vehicle to the outer most edge of the bumper or appurtenance attached to the opposite end of such vehicle), or any trailer, recreational vehicle, or abandoned vehicle shall be parked upon any public street or public right-of-way in the city between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. except for repairing or servicing necessitated by an emergency. (Continued on Page 4) Westside News - October 2013 3

Westside at Buttercup Creek Street Parking - (Continued from Page 3) Sec. 17.04.011 Prohibited parking areas where no signs are required

No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic in compliance with the law, or to obey the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, or if the vehicle is located in a designated parking space, in any of the following locations: (1) On a sidewalk or obstructing any portion of such sidewalk; (2) Within street right-of-way in front of or within five (5) feet of a public or private driveway serving single-family or duplex uses except in cul-de-sacs, or in front of or within twenty (20) feet of a driveway serving a use other than single-family or duplex (for purposes of this section, the driveway does not include the rounded or clipped corner at the intersection of the driveway and the public street); (9) Adjacent to the curb of any public street unless parking is parallel and immediately adjacent to the curb of the street, the vehicle is oriented in the correct direction of travel and parking is not otherwise prohibited on the street; Sec. 17.04.012 Habitation of a vehicle

No person shall inhabit a vehicle, including a recreational vehicle, at any time when such vehicle is parked upon a public street or public right-of-way located within the corporate limits of the city.

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Westside News - October 2013

I'd love the opportunity to help you with all your painting needs. I pride myself on being on time & delivering a finished product that will exceed your expectations. Wade Phillips - Owner & Westside Resident Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

Westside at Buttercup Creek Annual Meeting Information Every year our HOA has an annual meeting. This meeting is different from our regular monthly board meetings in that we review the yearly expenses and budget, have a general report on how the HOA is doing from the President, and hold elections for the board positions. We also have the different committees give a report and have an open discussion with the attending homeowners. EVERY HOA member should be at this annual meeting. Our annual meeting this year is scheduled for October 14, 2013. However, you might be surprised to know that according to our HOA Bylaws, if we do not have at least 40% of our HOA members in attendance, we have to reschedule the meeting for another time. That means that we need over 500 members in

attendance or by proxy in order to conduct the business of the annual meeting. As you may have already guessed, this has never happened. The rescheduled annual meeting must then take place within 10-30 days of the original meeting date. At the rescheduled meeting, whoever is there in person or by proxy is sufficient to conduct the business of the meeting. We would love to have over 500 members at our annual meeting. As much as we hope that it will happen, we understand that it probably never will. With that in mind, the board prepares for the annual meeting, but also prepares for a regular monthly meeting as a backup. If we don’t have the 40%, our rescheduled annual meeting will be on November 11, 2013.

Denny James

to help ensure that future growth, updates, and maintenance continues to make us all proud to call Westside home. Professionally, I hold two certifications in project management and I manage a team of consultants that specialize in delivery transformation. That basically means we are constantly looking for better ways to do things. I co-lead a women's ministry at my church and I've served as a Boy Scout troop committee member and Merit Badge Counselor. I recently spent four weeks in the Philippines as a volunteer consultant for the Metro Manila Development Authority. Home is where my heart is and Westside is my home. I hope to have the opportunity to use my talents to serve as your board member. Thank you!

Professionally I have spent the majority of my career working in the financial services industry. I spent 9 years working for companies like Citibank to a Special Utility District as a Finance Manager. I currently work for Dell as a Channel Account Manager. I work closely with community banks to support them with the IT infrastructure and purchasing needs. On a personal level I have been married to Barbara James for 6 years. We have two children, Madeline and Benjamin. I am currently serving on the Board of Directors for the Travis County MUD No 7. Previously I have served as president for 4 years for the STGDE Alumni Association. I am interested in becoming involved with the HOA to ensure that our community maintains and/or improves its current standards to stay the best community in Cedar Park. I feel through conservative, thoughtful fiduciary responsibility coupled with innovative progressive community and social interactions that we can continue to establish the Westside as the BEST side.

Dawn Harris Hi, I'm Dawn Harris and I'd like to serve you as your HOA Board member. My husband and I just moved to Westside in September 2012, but we've been homeowners for many years. I believe the purpose of an HOA should be to protect its members and their investment in their homes. There are several issues that need to be addressed such as on-street parking, watering restriction compliance, fence maintenance, brush clean up and more. I take pride in our neighborhood. I want Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

Walt Conlin Walter R. Conlin, Jr. Married to Patti L. Conlin Lived in Westside since February 14, 2000 (1317 Hunter Ace Way and since 6/1/12 at 708 Nelson Ranch Road). Retired September 2004 Four grown children and 17 grandchildren Had a career in business, 18 years with Xerox, 7 years with Corporate Accounting and Director of Corporate planning with American General Corp, 7 years public accounting, and 3 years in public relations with the American Cancer Society, I am a Vietnam Vet - USAF - 1965-1969, and a Graduate of Eastern Washington State University. (Continued on Page 6)

Westside News - October 2013 5

Westside at Buttercup Creek Walter Conlin (Continued from Page 5) I am a proud resident of our beautiful community. We are lucky to have so many wonderful things going for us here. We are in Williamson County with the quality Leander School District, we have a low crime rate, excellent shopping all around us, a new hospital, and the best of all worlds in access to highways to go north, south, east or west, and for those that want to get away from it all we are in the foothills in NW Austin. Over the past few years we have set the pace as one of the fastest growing communities in the whole USA. I live here by choice and love it. My commitment to the residents of Westside is to be dedicated to preserve, protect, and do what is in the best interest of our community, and to have an open ear to our neighbors concerns that I can represent you in meetings concerning activities of the board to keep Westside a preferred place to live.

Candidates for the Two Available Board Positions Two out of the five board positions are up for election this year. The election takes place at the annual meeting which will be on October 14 if we have at least 40% of our homeowners at the meeting either in person or by proxy, or November 11 if there were not enough attending the October meeting (see Annual Meeting Information Article). We have three candidates running for the two board positions. They are: Denny James, Walt Conlin and Dawn Harris.

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Westside at Buttercup Creek Faith-Inclusive Initiative Article

Participating in faith practices is one way families create bonds, with disabilities. traditions, and a sense of community. When our children reach • Conduct a survey to identify current and prospective participants milestones like Holy Communion, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or succeed in who have disabilities and/or experience barriers to inclusion. Sunday school or other religious education, we are proud and secure • Use “people-first” language--speak of the person first and then in knowing we are transmitting important values. But, for families the disability. who have children with disabilities, this sense of belonging and pride of • Speak directly to the person and not to his or her companion. achievement may be difficult to achieve. Physical barriers in houses of • Ask the person what he or she likes to do, inviting participation worship, like stair cases or fixed seating, procedural barriers, like filling in the way he or she would prefer. out applications or making payments, and attitudinal barriers, such as • Ask the person if he or she would like assistance and how. Many 11 Professional Center San Rafael, CAmaintain 94903 as• much 800.505.4150 • 415.92 fears and unfounded assumptions, all play a role in reducing a person’s peopleParkway, with disabilities prefer to independence ability to attend religious services, enjoy programs and activities, or feel as possible. welcome and valued. Sometimes it can be expensive or complicated to • Include welcome, inclusion, interest and accessibility language overcome a barrier. But, more often, there are inexpensive or free ways in all materials. to reduce barriers. Here are some basic tips for being more welcoming • Offer printed materials in accessible formats such as large print, to people with disabilities within your faith community. Braille and audio. • Acknowledge and reach out to people with disabilities and Finally, relax. Anyone can make mistakes. Keep a sense of humor their families. and a willingness to communicate. By making an effort to engage • Provide accessible seating that allows a person with a disability families with children who have special needs you will be taking the to sit with family and friends. first steps toward an inclusive, welcoming environment for everyone • Hold training for staff and religious leaders on welcoming people within your faith community. Contact the Austin Interfaith Inclusion with disabilities. Network at http://onestarfoundation.org/onestar-networks/austin• Identify people in the congregation who can assist people interfaith-inclusion-network/ for more information.

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Westside News - October 2013

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