The Pemberton Journal
The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication
Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association
November 2013, Vol IV, Issue XI
Due to the recent By-Laws change, 6 positions will be available for election on the next year’s board. Six nominations for Board members were received and the Ballot is included below. Ballots may also be viewed on the website. Voting began October 20th. All ballots must be mailed by November 16. to: PHNA P.O. Box. 50388, Austin, Texas 78763 You must be a dues paying member prior to November 16th in order to cast a vote. Updates will be posted on the website and Nextdoor.
Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association 2014 Board of Directors Official Election Ballot Please select only SIX of the following candidates: ___1. Kimberly Comstock ___2. Frank Hartmann ___3. Jane Hayman ___4. Ally Kirk ___5. Dr. Beverly Sutton ___6.Eric Venditti If you select more than six, your ballot will be disqualified. You must use this ballot form to cast your vote. Ballot is not valid without the following information: Voter name: ___________________________________ Street address: __________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Email address: __________________________________ Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.
INSTRUCTIONS Candidates: There are a total of six candidates. You are voting for up to six candidates to fill six vacancies on the PHNA Board of Directors. Candidate Biographies are posted on the neighborhood website; see address below. Eligible voters: To be eligible to vote, you must have paid membership dues to PHNA no later than Midnight, Saturday, 16 November 2013. Only one vote is allowed per household. Voting period: The voting period begins on Sunday, 20 October at the Annual Picnic and ends at midnight on Saturday, 16 November 2013. Votes must be received or postmarked before this time period to be eligible. Earlier Ballots received at the Picnic will be valid. Votes will be counted on Saturday, 23 November. Delivery: Please submit your ballot by mail to PHNA, PO Box 50388, Austin, Texas 78763-0388. Additional information: For additional information and Candidate Biographies please visit the neighborhood website or to ask any questions, please contact: Betty Trent, AIA LEED AP, Secretary, PHNA The Pemberton Journal - November 2013