Wimbledon Champions - November 2013

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November 2013

The Official Newsletter for The Wimbledon Champions Community

Wimbledon Champions HOA Second Annual Meeting The Wimbledon Champions Homeowners Association, Inc. is preparing to hold its second annual meeting. The Annual meeting of the Membership will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 6:30p.m. at the Wimbledon Champions Clubhouse. The role and responsibility of the Board of Directors is outlined in the By-laws of the Association, which can be found on the association website at www.wimbledonchampionshoa.org.

Volume 2, Issue 11

Save the Date! You are cordially invited to the Wimbledon Champions Annual Holiday Party December 14, 2013 @ 7:00p.m. 16011 Connors Ace Drive Home of Rob and Ellen Sutphen The fare of the evening will include appetizers, meat carvings, an assortment of side dishes, and desserts.

Entertainment will be provided by Klein High School. In the spirit of the season, we will be collecting donations for the Mittelstadt Elementary School Computer Cart Purchase Project. Participation is optional. Your invitation with all the details will be delivered in early November by your block captain. Come and celebrate the Holiday spirit with your neighbors!

Women's Coffee Wimbledon Champions Coffee at 10:00 AM, Friday, November 8

Please RSVP by December 6th to Jean Kuecher at jkpuppet@aol.com or 281-655-5347 to let her know the number in your party and the appetizer, side dish or dessert you will be bringing to share. Adults only, please-BYOB, Cocktail Attire

Welcome ladies. Please join us for the coffee at the home of Kelli Adams, 16331 Cochet Spring Dr., on November 8, Friday, at 10:00 AM to noon. This will be the second of our four or five coffees during the school year. The coffee is open to all residents of WC. Enjoy friendly conversation while getting to know your neighbors. Bring your neighbors and something delicious to share. As always, you don't have to bring anything, just come! Copyright Š 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013



CHAPARRAL MANAGEMENT....................281.537.0957 Amy Davidson............................................................ Ext. 12 ............................................................. FAX 281.537.0312 adavidson@chaparralmanagement.com NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEES Newsletter Contact Sharon Connors................................................281.374.8877 Contact for HOA Tom Worley......................................................281.370.8264 Landscape Gayle Jennings.................................gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net Kelli Adams..................................... kelliadams@sbcglobal.net Contact for MUD 316 Jimmy T. Watson...............................................281.379.2252 Architectural Control Tammy White.................................................. 281-537-0957 Block Captains Jean Kuecher............................................. jkpuppet@aol.com Communications (Public Relations & Signage/Web) Gayle Jennings.................................gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net Yard of the Month Gayle Jennings, Doris Edmonds Newsletter/Directory Sharon Connors..............................sharonconnors@msn.com Kelli Adams..................................... kelliadams@sbcglobal.net Security ............................................................................................ Social Cheryl Garza................................. cheryl.garza@sbcglobal.net Women's Coffee Jean Kuecher............................................. jkpuppet@aol.com EMERGENCY.................................................................911 Harris County Constable..................................281.376.3472 Sergeant............................................................281.376.3472 C.C.E.M.S........................................................281.440.4300 N.W. Hospital...................................................281.440.1000 Poison Control Center......................................800.222.1222 Republic Waste..................................................281.446.2030 Fire (Klein VFD)...............................................281.251.0101 Water/Sewer Repairs.........................................281.374.8989 ......................................................................281.379.6948 Centerpoint.......................................................713.207.7777 Street Light Repair............................................713.207.2222 Cypress Creek Library.......................................281.376.4610

November Recipe 7-Up Biscuits With the cool weather finally here we welcome our soup recipes back! These biscuits are a wonderful accompaniment to any meal. They are so good! INGREDIENTS:

4 Cups Bisquick 1 Cup Sour Cream(you can use light) 1 Cup 7-Up ½ Cup melted butter DIRECTIONS:

In a mixing bowl cream butter, lemon zest and sugar until combined. Add eggs and cream thoroughly. Add vanilla and almond extract. Then add flour, baking powder and salt combined alternating with buttermilk. Mix thoroughly until all ingredients are combined. Fold in rinsed and dried berries and spoon into a greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 50 to 60 minutes. Let cool completely. Invert and icing with glaze. Enjoy! Bon Appetit! If you would like to share a recipe with your WC neighbors, please call Kelli Adams at 281-374-6246 or email kelliadams@ sbcglobal.net.

SCHOOLS Mittelstadt Elementary......................................832.484.6700 Kleb Middle......................................................832.249.5500 Klein High........................................................832.484.4000 NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Editor..............................................sharonconnors@msn.com Peel, Inc...................................................... www.peelinc.com Advertising....................................................... 888-687-6444 2

Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

WIMBLEDON CHAMPIONS Entrances of Wimbledon Champions This month there was no Yard of the Month selected as most are in a transitional stage for planting fall/winter flowers. The weather is cooler and folks are preparing their gardens for the new plantings. The Yard of the Month committee decided to highlight the Wimbledon Champions landscape. In our busy lives, as we drive by it every day we most likely don’t even notice it. The seasonal color will be changed at the end of October so as you read this; we hope you are pleased with what changes were made. The Yard of the Month (due to publisher requirements) has to be chosen by the 6th of the previous month for the next month. It becomes difficult to choose when it falls at season

change. We will be back in the subdivision around the 5th and 6th trying to choose the December Yard of the Month. Make sure to have your plantings complete by those dates. Please review the article, in this issue, regarding the guidelines for winning Yard of the Month. Don’t forget the January Yard of the Month is chosen in December and 1/3 of the point value is based on holiday decorations. Please have your decorating complete by the 6th of December. Last year, there were many homes to choose from. In fact, we had to have an honorable mention collage of homes in the January newsletter because there were so many great homes.

Happy Planting, Yard of the Month Committee (Doris Edmonds and Gayle Jennings)

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013


WIMBLEDON CHAMPIONS How you could win the Wimbledon Champions Yard of the Month As fall ushers in with a hint of cool weather, you will be spending more time outdoors and thinking about that fall color you may want to add to your gardens and front porch! This season gives us an opportunity to start fresh with bright color and new plantings in our yards. I would like to remind you of what the criterion is for choosing Yard of the Month. Make sure you meet the criterion for Yard of the Month. What is the criterion to win The Yard of the Month? We look for a yard with the best overall appearance where the lot stands out as the most pleasing in the area. We consider if there is good landscape design, healthy looking plants and seasonal color. Is the yard neat and well maintained? Are there any weeds that need to be removed or plants that need to be replaced or trimmed? Are the sidewalks and driveway neat, edged and free of stains? Is the garage door kept closed and trash cans, and yard equipment put away? Bonus points are given if the yard consistently looks good and has been recently upgraded and/or the homeowners are known to do some or all of the yard work themselves. To be eligible, the homeowners must be up to date with their homeowners’ dues and not have any current deed restriction violations or penalties.


Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013

Why should we have a Yard of the Month award? To recognize and reward homeowners that go above and beyond what the deed restrictions require. The award encourages all homeowners to have good landscaping for all of us to enjoy which in turn helps show case our neighborhood and maintain our property values. How often may a homeowner or section win Yard of the Month? A homeowner is considered if they have not won the award in the previous twelve months and preferably not in the last two years. Based on the number of homeowners in each section, we consider homes in WC Gardens 1-2 times a year, WC Park 4-5 times a year, WC Estates 2-3 times a year and Wimbledon Champions (ungated section) 5-6 times a year. If there isn’t a yard in a section that warrants a Yard of the Month award then the next section of homes in the rotation is chosen. What do you win if your home is selected for Yard of the Month? You will receive a gift certificate from, our Yard of the Month sponsor, Plants for All Season for $50. The Yard of the Month sign is placed in your yard for one month and recognition of your address (Continued on page 5)

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

WIMBLEDON CHAMPIONS (Continued from page 4) as Yard of the Month is placed on the marquee on Cypresswood Drive for the entire month. You also receive the appreciation of your neighbors for providing them with a beautiful view. Nominate a neighbor If you feel a neighbor of yours is worthy of this honor, please contact Gayle Jennings @ gmjenn65@sbcglobal.net. We will check that they meet the above criteria and consider them for the next award. All sections of our subdivision are judged between the 1st and 6th of every month for the next month’s award. Keep this time frame in mind as you plant your flowers.

KLEB PTO Please support the Kleb PTO by attending Bullritos Kleb nights : a portion of the Profits for the day goes to the Kleb PTO. AT the location below. Spring – Champions 16000 Stuebner Airline Spring, TX 77379 832.559.7200 phone | 832.559.8371 fax 11/21, 12/19, 1/16, 2/20, 3/20, 5/15

"Shalom" Hi Jewish Community. Let's get connected! To share Shabbat dinners... Chanukah parties... Passover seders... or simply get together! Interested? E-mail us at shalom.cypress.tx@gmail.com

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013


WIMBLEDON CHAMPIONS Mittelstadt Elementary Mobile Computer Cart Project

Open to the Public A COMMUNITY EVENT: KLEBFEST HOLIDAY Market SAVE THE DATE for the KlebFest Festival and Holiday Marketplace to be held on Saturday, December 14, 2013. 10 am to 4pm at KLEB Intermediate. Photos with Santa, Games, Shopping, Food, Cakewalk and performances by students. Bring this newsletter article and get 3 free tickets to games.

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Carmel Haskin, Wimbledon Champions long-time resident, is in her second term as PTO President for Mittelstadt Elementary School. One of the Mittelstadt PTO’s goals for the 2013-2014 school years is to purchase a Mobile Computer Cart for the school. This cart can hold anywhere from 15 to 25 laptops. It allows the teachers to move the cart from classroom to classroom. It gives them greater flexibility in instructional planning of integrating technology products into the students' everyday lessons. It will also help those children, whose families don't have their own computers at home, to keep up with the other children on their computer skills. The Wimbledon Champions Social Committee has chosen this project as our philanthropic fundraiser this holiday season. Please help us to help Carmel meet her goal and support this effort by bringing a check or cash to the Wimbledon Champions Holiday Party on December 14th at the home of Ron and Ellen Sutphen on Connors Ace. Anyone who would like to donate, please make checks payable to "Mittelstadt Elementary". If you are unable to attend the party and would like to contribute to this worthwhile effort, please contact any of the Social Committee members and we will be happy to pick it up. Wimbledon Champions Social Committee (Kelli Adams, Diana Eberhard, Gayle Jennings, Jean Kuecher and Cheryl Garza)

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Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013

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Wimbledon Champions Telegraph - November 2013

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