Pemberton Heights - December 2013

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

Thank You!

December 2013, Vol IV, Issue XII

To Carla Hatler, Nikki Faulkner, Kimberly Comstock, Sasha Edwards, Betty Trent, Jean Mueller, Kathryn Anderson and Sabrina Brown and ALL our Sponsors for making the 2013 Pemberton Heights Fall Picnic a HUGE Success!!! Carla did an outstanding job, heading up a great team. Along with keeping everyone focused and on track, she organized the food, Doodlebug the Clown, the sponsor banner and all of the sponsor signs. Nikki was the star at logistics, arranged all the rentals, the pick-ups and even personally cleaned up Jean’s lot the Monday after. Nikki also arranged the carriage ride sign-up, always a popular sold-out event. Kimberly, Carla, Sasha, Kathryn and Sabrina were champs at getting donations for the food, drink and the silent auction. Sasha made all the members feel special with pre-printed name tags. Kimberly arranged the music (wasn’t Mr. Will and the Band perfect?), the sponsor signs and color coordinated everything including the fall flower table decorations. Betty assisted with the election ballots, the proposed Hartford Playground Park display and the sign-in desk. Thanks to Tina Weinberger for manning a table for volunteers for Neighborhood Watch. 24 more neighbors signed up to be involved. Tina also invited one of our APD neighborhood representatives to attend the picnic. Hope everyone was able to meet our own Officer William Harvey. Kimberly has already agreed to head up the picnic next year, so we are in Great Hands going forward. The accounting is not complete, but we had 72 families join or renew their membership. That puts our membership at 187. Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors, we added over $4200 to the Security Fund for next year’s security patrols and we added another $150 to the Triangle Fund. We also raised $1200 with the silent auction items! Those funds will go to offset the music, the food, the bouncy house and face painting expenses, leaving us more funds from dues for other activities. Thanks to Jean Mueller for allowing us to use her yard, to all the neighbors who shared their fabulous desserts, and to all the volunteers who helped with the setting up and the cleaning up after the picnic. I hope everyone is looking forward to next year! Thanks again to our Platinum Sponsors: AT&T, ABC Home & Commercial Services and Frost Bank; our Gold Sponsors: The Menegerie and Maine Root Beverages; and our Silver Sponsor: Capra & Cavelli. Thanks again also go to our Bronze Sponsors and local companies who donated items for the auction: Kendra Scott, Olive and June Restaurant, P.Terry Burger Stand, Wheatsville CO-OP, Rae Cosmetics, Uchiko, Back Home French Inspired Living, Breed & Company, Blast Blowdry, French& Hayden Blue Avery, Deep Eddy Vodka, Fall Creek Vineyards, Design Time Interiors, Reid’s Cleaners & Laundry, Buddha’s Brew Kombucha, Anderson’s Coffee, Rootin’ Ridge Toymakers, SWEET Home & Gifts, Passion Nail Spa, Teo Gelato and Clarksville Pottery! I hope you will check them all out and if you visit, please let them know what their support meant to us. Thank you, neighbors, for coming out and making our picnic extra special this year! And, again, a BIG THANKS to the Committee, Carla, Nikki, Kimberly, and Jean for making this picnic a HUGE success. We wouldn’t have had it without you!!! -- Betty Trent, Secretary PHNA Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

The Pemberton Journal - December 2013


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