Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013

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Volume 1, Issue 2 • December 2013


Spring Creek Ranch Ho-Ho-Holiday Fun!

Pending confirmation from The North Pole, Santa is tentatively scheduled to arrive at Spring Creek Ranch on Friday, December 13th from 6pm – 8pm. He will be awaiting your visit at 1394 S 740 E. Have your child sit and talk with Santa all the while having professional photos taken for the memories (special thanks to Helga Laing!!). Avoid the cost and lengthy lines waiting for Santa at the mall. There will be an online gallery of photos with Santa available to download and print at your convenience. You’re welcome to visit anytime between 6pm and 8pm. So, are you into moving reindeer and waving Santa’s? Or are you the type to put no less than 500,000 lights on your house? Either way, we have 3 awards up for grabs for this year’s Holiday Lights Contest! Don’t be the only house on your block not to decorate. The awards are as follows: 1st prize = $100, 2nd prize = $75 and 3rd prize = $50. Don’t waste precious time! Decorate early for the 1st annual Spring Creek Tour of Lights. Old and young alike, there’s nothing better than looking at wonderful Holiday lights. With the addition of so many new neighbors, there’s bound to be some great new competition! The Community Engagement Committee will map out a route for the hayrides to follow on the best decorated streets. So don’t hesitate…

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

DECORATE! It there’s enough snow, we’d love to see your snowmen. Judging for the Holiday Lights Contest will take place on December 13th. Everyone who is able to come to the event will have the opportunity to vote. Trailers for the hayride will load and unload in front of the parking lot next to the tennis courts on 740 E. The approximate hayride departing times are 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm and a final ride at 7:30pm. We are hoping everyone can make it out to enjoy a jolly good time with old and new neighbors. There will be hayrides, Christmas carols, hot cocoa and holiday treats for all to enjoy and even a visit from Santa himself! Make sure to know if you’re on his naughty or nice list! If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact Tanya Bates at springcreekhoacec@ gmail.com or for more details visit www.springcreekhoa.com.

Santa is coming to Spring C visit reek Ran ch the date i s nearly he re!

Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013


K&R PREMIER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property Manager: Kenneth Wilson PO Box 242, Lehi, UT 84043 Cell: 801-610-9440 E-mail: kenny@krhoautah.com CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL ANYTIME!


Wayne Logan............. springcreekhoapresident@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT Hardy Cherry.............. springcreekhoavicepres@gmail.com SECRETARY/TREASURER Rich Montierth ............springcreekhoasectreas@gmail.com ARCHITECTURAL Jack Buckley.........springcreekhoaarchitectural@gmail.com LANDSCAPE Luke Chamberlain.... springcreekhoalandscape@gmail.com


Event Pictures!!

Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to springcreekhoacec@ gmail.com. Be sure to include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Thank you!

COMMITTEES COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE Tanya Bates (Chair)............springcreekhoacec@gmail.com


Peel, Inc.......................www.PEELinc.com, 1-888-687-6444 Article Submission................. springcreekhoacec@gmail.com Advertising.................................... advertising@PEELinc.com

ONLINE Website..........................................www.springcreek-hoa.com Facebook................. Community Engagement – Spring Creek ADVERTISING INFO Please support the businesses that advertise in the Spring Creek Ranch HOA newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Spring Creek residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 1-888-687-6444 or advertising@PEELinc.com. The advertising deadline is the 8th of each month for the following month’s newsletter.


View the current issue of Spring Creek Ranch on the 1st day of each month at www.PEELinc.com 2

Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

MEET YOUR HOA BOARD From the pen of Hardy Cherry:

My family and I moved into the neighborhood about a year and half ago. We love it here, we love our neighbors and the experiences we’ve had so far and look forward to many more years of involvement and friendship. I’ve been on the board for the past 8 months. It’s been a great experience being involved with the board, making mistakes and learning how the HOA should be run. After the few months I’ve been involved, I agree with Luke, that everyone should spend some time on the HOA board, it helps you appreciate the people who do it and it gives you some really great real world experiences with neighbors, local government, rule and regulation enforcement and public relations. I came in thinking maybe some of the CC&R’s could be modified to be less

strict and I am leaving realizing those rules keep the neighborhood looking nice. I came in thinking we should try to lower monthly dues and realized ours are very low and we get a lot done with what we have. As a final thought, next time you get a warning letter or a fine, try to imagine how you would feel if you were receiving the letter you are writing. Everyone on

the board is just a regular person, each one has a family, has feelings, has a real job that pays the bills and gets zero monetary compensation for reading that letter you were thinking of sending. We all try our best to do what’s right for the community and sometimes that means enforcing a rule you don’t like or standing behind a fine you were issued. If you don’t like a rule, then come to the meetings and push for a change, it takes half the community to change the CC&R’s but it only takes one person to start the ball rolling. The board puts a lot of value in the feedback received and that feedback almost exclusively this year has come from 3-4 people who regularly attended the meetings. Make sure your voice is heard and attend a few meetings next year.

From the President It’s that time of year again! It’s time for the 2014 Spring Creek Ranch Annual Home Owners Association Meeting; which will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at the MATC (Mountainland Applied Technology Center), located at 2301 Ashton Blvd (2nd Floor – rooms 219 and 220), Lehi, UT 84043. Come and hear about the State of the Ranch and learn more about your HOA. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00pm, so come early to get a good seat, meet the directors, and assist in the tallying of received votes. There are 3 board member vacancies this year. On this issue, read the Candidate Statements of your neighbors who are running for a seat. There is also the option of writing in a preferred candidate on your ballot, if they’re not currently listed. Very soon you will be receiving your ballot and postage paid return envelope in the mail. Please simply complete the ballot and return it in the provided envelope. It only takes a couple of minutes, and has no additional cost to you. All ballots must be received prior to the commencement of the 7pm meeting on the 14th to be counted. I’d encourage you to have your ballots postmarked by the 11th to allow for delivery, or put them in the payments drop box before 5pm the day of (14th). All envelopes must be sealed to be counted at the time of the meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!


Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013


Holiday Fun

By Sarah Chamberlain (9 years old)

Hello again I am back. This December I want to tell you about a few more fun ideas. Here they are. First, you could have a snowman building contest. The best snowman could win a holiday scarf. If you like to put up Christmas lights, you can decorate your house because the neighborhood is having a Christmas light contest. So be sure to go crazy with Christmas lights. This month, I interviewed a few different kids for the newsletter. I asked them what they do at Christmas. Layton Hild said he makes rocket ornaments out of rootbeer/pop bottles and plays football with his cousin Ryan. I also asked Carson Oliveira what he does at Christmas and he said he likes to help put up and decorate the Christmas tree and eat ham. His baby sister said “AAlabaldgogoogoo!” I tried to ask Reese Oliveira but I couldn’t get ahold of her. Thank you Oliveira’s and thank you Layton! Since it is December I thought you might like to start something called “You’ve Been Twinkled!” Here is how you do it. If you would like to start it, take a piece of paper and write “You’ve Been Twinkled” on it. Decorate that paper and deliver it to someone in the neighborhood with a treat. The person that you twinkled will have two days to twinkle the next person of their choice. I hope you will start doing it in the neighborhood and enjoy it. Last year my Grandma told me about something called “The Snowy Secret”. If you would like to do it, here’s how. On a freezing day go outside with a container of bubbles. Blow some and let them float around. They will freeze and drop to the ground. When they pop the grass/snow turns silver. I think it’s really fun and all ages can do it. If you go on morning or evening walks on the trails during the month of December look for a glowing blue tree. This tree is called the “Trading Tree”. Once you find it you can take ONE of the small ornaments on it. Since it is a trading tree be sure to bring an ornament with you to leave on the tree. I think that we have a great neighborhood and I am glad that we have so many great neighbors in it. I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas filled with fun and joy.


Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Neighborly Concerns •

Neighbors are voicing concerns o n the topics below:

Bikes, toys and more left unattended on the trails and/ or sidewalks – Please keep the trails throughout the community clear. When bikes, toys and more are left on the trails this creates a hazard for our bike riders and/or runners in the neighborhood. It can be quite difficult for the little ones to maneuver their bikes around things left out on the trail. Puppy Poop – Please pick up after your puppy. Two new puppy poop stations have been installed along the trails. Please let the board know if there are other areas you would like to see these stations installed. Cars or trailers parked in the streets – We all want to insure that our neighborhood is a safe environment, especially for our children. When cars are parked on one or both sides of our residential streets they create some blind spots for drivers as well as walkers or runners in the case where most of our children are concerned.

Teenage Job Seekers Name

Baby Pet House Yard Age Sit Sit Sit Work Phone

Doe, John....................... 15..........•.......... •.........•................... 111-1111

*-CPR Training

+-First Aid Training

Attention Teenagers

The Teenage Job Seekers listing service is offered free of charge to all Spring Creek Ranch teenagers seeking work. Submit your name and information to springcreekhoacec@gmail.com by the 10th of the month!



Do you or your child have an article or story that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will do our best to publish it in the next issue. Email your document to springcreekhoacec@gmail.com. Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

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Spring Creek Ranch Homeowners Association Board Candidate Statements TANYA BATES CLARK BARLOW I’m excited about the opportunity to run for a board position on Spring Creek’s Home Owners Association. My husband (Nathan), our two boys (Blake and Ezra) and I moved into the community earlier this year and have loved every second of it! We moved from Saratoga Springs and chose Spring Creek Ranch because of its close proximity to shopping/activities while giving us the same rural feel as our neighborhood out in Saratoga Springs. It has been great getting to know our neighbors and the community we live in. While my tenure in Spring Creek Ranch may be brief, my passion for community involvement and improvement is vast. Since moving here in March 2013 I have attended each monthly HOA meeting. During the first meeting I asked Wayne what I could do to help and he suggested starting a Community Engagement Committee. While this was definitely out of my comfort zone, it has been a great way for me to help the community and get to know my awesome neighbors all at the same time. We’ve planned a handful of yearly activities that I assume will evolve over the years and will be a fun way for our community as a whole to get together often. I designed the new website, www.springcreek-hoa.com, and presented the new monthly newsletter designed by Peel, Inc (which I’m currently the editor for) to the HOA board members. The newsletter and website will help to keep the community informed and involved. I volunteered to design the new playground that was installed this November (the second phase of the playground will be installed next spring). This was truly a lot of fun for me! I worked with three playground companies and designed over 6 different playgrounds to choose from. I presented each playground at the monthly board meeting and the board members then voted on the design to be installed. It has truly been great for me to be able to serve our community. This is a great community to live in and I’m excited for the final phase of construction to start. We plan to be here for a long time, so I’m fully invested in the future of our community. I am a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser; so keeping strong property values in our community is always on my mind. I would love to see more parks throughout the community (each being unique to the others), professional landscaping in open spaces throughout the community (similar to the landscape along the trails on the northeast side of the subdivision), quicker tree replacement and/or landscape maintenance all while keeping our HOA fees low and staying within our yearly budget. I look forward to continue serving you!


Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013

My name is Clark Barlow and I’m running for the HOA board for the 2014 - 2016 term. My wife and I have three girls and have lived in Spring Creek since Sept 2009. I graduated with my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from BYU. I currently work as a licensed Civil Engineer for a private consulting firm in Provo. We love living in the neighborhood and especially enjoy the parks and trails. What makes Spring Creek even better is the quality of people that live here. As a member of the board, my goal would be to help the HOA become a helpful and reliable resource for everyone in the community, even as people come and go. The HOA plays an important role in preserving the community culture we all enjoy, and I believe it can be done fairly and judiciously.

NATHAN WAGSTAFF My wife, two children and myself have lived in the Spring Creek subdivision since July of 2010. My goal is to maintain a highly respectable community and as such one that is considered a safe and desirable neighborhood. The community as a whole needs to maintain their aesthetically pleasing appearance while still maintaining individuality and being unique. Our public areas need to be practical and inviting to the residence and our guests.


I was born in Virginia and moved to Utah to go to BYU. I ended up staying after graduating with a degree in Computer Science and finding a good job. I have owned property in Spring Creek for over 6 years and eventually decided to build a house here being my own contractor that I currently living in. I am married to Karina with 3 children ages 18, 16 and 11 years old. I am currently employed as a Senior Software Consultant. I would like the opportunity to serve and make a difference in the community and keep Spring Creek as a desirable place to raise a family.

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Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013







Spring Creek Ranch - December 2013

Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

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