Stone Canyon - December 2013

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

December 2013

Volume 8, Issue 12

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association


Each year, members of our Yard of the Month Committee work hard to select the best holiday lights in our lovely neighborhood. Instead of choosing 1st/2nd/3rd place winners and 5 Honorable Mention for overall recognition like we do during the spring and summer, we will chose a winner and a runner up from four categories, just like last winter. INDIVIDUAL CATEGORIES: 1. Most Elegant- Will cover the very pretty and beautiful homes. 2. Family Friendly- Will cover fun eye candy for youngsters and young-at-heart (i.e. Inflatable globes and figures; Santa/Elves/Toys/Flashing Lights yard ornaments; accompanying music) 3. Brightest Lights- We are looking for something that is over the top; with all the LED bulbs out there, this category seems appropriately festive. 4. Best Street- Will cover cul-de-sacs, coves and stretches of streets where multiple adjoining homes show obvious, defined coordination among all the neighbors; but no missing links in the chain, please.

We’ll have special Stone Canyon Holiday Lights yard signs, identifying a winner and runner up in each category. For the “Best Street” category, one sign will be placed at entry to winning cove, cul-de-sac, or beginning of selected stretch of homes identifying category. In order to allow reasonable amount of time for residents to put all lights and decorations in place, our nominating and final voting dates are below. If you want to be considered, be sure to have lights lit, action figures and music going and ready by 6:00 pm each evening. NOMINATING DATES: Saturday December 14th through Monday December 16th (after 6pm) FINAL VOTING: Tuesday December 17th through Friday December 20th (after 6pm) Yard Signs will be delivered on Saturday December 21st. Any questions? Feel free to contact Amelia Dansby ( or Cathy Soukup ( Copyright © 2013 Peel, Inc.

Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2013


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