Bella Vista - January 2014

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January 2014

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

Volume 6, Issue 1


The Board did not meet in December due to the holidays and will resume in January. Monthly Board meetings normally begin at 6pm at the RealManage office (10800 Pecan Park Blvd, Suite 100) on the first Wednesday of each month, with a notice posted on the Bella Vista website at least 3 days before the meeting. Self-Storage Facility – Excavation has begun on the site between Bella Vista and Twin Creeks, as the developer overcame all roadblocks. CPAN (Cedar Park

Action Network) is still negotiating a deal with the Twin Creeks WCID to provide water for fire protection to save the developer some $400K that would otherwise be needed to dig a well and install a 30’ tall water tower, but it is not clear if negotiations will be completed in time to avoid the tower. The deal, if negotiations succeed, would require the developer to allocate funds for landscape shielding to minimize visual impact on our community.

HOA PRESIDENT’S LETTER Hello Neighbors, 2013 was a long and busy year and, as you may have heard, annexation by Cedar Park will not happen this year for Bella Vista or Twin Creeks. Regrettably the City and the MUDs were not able to conclude negotiations on the Strategic Partnership Agreements before the clock ran out for public notices as legally required. However, we will continue to work with our MUD Board to find a compromise solution for the financial reserves over the next few months. I suggested the use of reserves be phased out in 3 years so the MUDs would not have to increase taxes until 2017. In any event, when the negotiations are concluded we will need to get new petitions signed over the summer so we can complete the annexation in December 2014. I wanted to thank our two new board members, who

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have been learning a lot about the community operations and working hard on improving the property values since last June. Wayne has done a fantastic job of producing content for the monthly newsletter and managing the Bella Vista website. Julie has been very busy overseeing the pool and also joined the ever-important Architectural Control Committee last fall. I also wanted to thank James, Wayne and everyone else that worked on improving the neighborhood entrances and decorating them for the holidays. Last but not least, I wanted to thank Steve and John Shumaker for continuing to serve on the maintenance committee and ensuring that Bella Vista is always pleasing to the view! Wishing everyone a prosperous new year! Veronica Frederick

Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2014


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