Pemberton Heights - January 2014

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

Congratulations to the New PHNA Board! On Nov 23, the election vote results were counted for the new Board and all six the candidates were elected to the new 2014 Board. Congratulations to Ally, Beverly, Eric, Frank, Jane, and Kimberly. We look forward to working with you in the upcoming year. In addition, at the Board Meeting held on December 11, the following officers and committee chairs were named for 2014: President: Carla Hatler Vice President: Frank Hartmann Treasurer: Jane Hayman Treasurer Elect: Kimberly Comstock Secretary: Ally Kirk

January 2013, Vol V, I ssue I

Committee chairs: Traffic & Safety (includes Security): Craig Duewall Triangles: Frank Hartmann Social: Kimberly Comstock Webmaster: Carla Hatler Bylaws: Beverly Sutton Policies & Procedures: Jane Hayman Government Affairs: Betty Trent It is with regret we will lose last year’s Board members: Craig Duewall, Corey Breed, and Sasha Edwards. After serving the neighborhood with time intensive distinction for the past year, they will be stepping down to spend more time with friends and family. We are pleased that Craig Duewall, last year’s president, will continue to work with the Board next year as Security chair.

UPDATE on the PEASE PARK MASTERPLAN On November 21, at the Senior Center, the WRT L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u re team held an open house to discuss Pease Park and the Shoal Creek Greenbelt. The team has been hired by the Pease Park Conservancy and is working in coordination with PARD. The team made an preliminary presentation, detailing their investigation and analysis to date of the history, nature and character

Plan and the Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan. The park abuts Lamar Blvd, the most western of the proposed Great Streets. Under the Shoal Creek Greenway Action Plan developed in 1998, the Shoal Creek Greenway has been divided into three character zones: Urban, Parkland and Suburban. Most of the area between 15th to 29th has been defined as Parkland. The team has also identified and named several areas along the creek which have distinct activity and nature characters: Kingsbury Commons ( playground area), Custer’s Meadow ( this is the meadow south of 24th St by Parkway where general Custer (Continued on Page 2)

of the park. No decisions have been made and the meeting was designed to begin a dialogue with stakeholders about opportunities and constraints for any improvements. The master plan is intended to provide a blueprint for improvements, including amenities, water quality protection, erosion correction, tree protection and invasive plant control. The plan is also intended to provide a long term strategy for the park, including funding any improvements and providing for coordination with PARD, the Pease Park Conservancy and the Shoal Creek Conservancy. Pease Park has been identified as a District Park in Austin’s long range plan. It is also an integral part of the Austin Downtown Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Pemberton Journal - January 2014


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