Round Rock Ranch - January 2014

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Official Newsletter for the Residents of Round Rock Ranch January 2014

President's Message Dear Round Rock Ranch Residents, Another year has come and gone and our annual meeting will be at the end of this month. Please try to attend and support your HOA. It takes many volunteers to help drive our neighborhood along the direction of the board and various committees. Please consider getting involved and contributing to your neighborhood. It is a very rewarding experience and a great way to get to know your neighbors. We will have 3 positions on the board to fill this year along with several committee positions as well. Sherrill Erwin, our social committee chairperson will be stepping down, and we will need someone to replace her. This is the most fun committee we have here in RRR; organizing neighborhood parties and making sure everyone has a great time. Many thanks to Sherrill for all she has done these past several years. Paul Yehl, our ACC chairperson will also be looking for a replacement. If you are interested in the Architectural Control Committee please consider this position. This is a very important committee for our subdivision to continue its architectural standards. We appreciate everything Paul has done for our association. Jessica Quap our newsletter editor will be unable to continue as our newsletter editor due to new commitments this upcoming year. She has done an excellent job to get our newsletter up and going again and for that we are very grateful. If you are interested please consider this position as your contribution to our neighborhood. We look forward to seeing you all there at our annual meeting as we celebrate 20 years of our Home Owners Association here at Round Rock Ranch. If you are unable to attend, please be sure to send in your proxy. Lea Beth Munoz RRR HOA President Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

Volume 4, Issue 1

ANNUAL MEETING Scheduled for January 28


Topics to include: Homeowner forum Annual Budget Pool Key Q&A Election of Board of Directors The annual meeting of a homeowners association is held, generally speaking, to conduct the "business" of the membership, to elect members to the association's Board of Directors and allow the membership to address their homeowners association. Please come to this event as it will impact the business of the HOA for the following year.

Happy New Year, Enclave Residents! We are starting off the New Year with a push to update information. First, if you are not on the Enclave email list, please send us an email at , and we will have you added. This list is for announcements, updates and general information for things related to the community, the greater RRR neighborhood and the City of Round Rock. We do not allow solicitations from residents or other parties. Second, if you are new to the neighborhood or have managed to get by without being listed in one of the gates’ call boxes, the Board can have you added. We can list you in any fashion, i.e., Last Name & First Initial, Address, etc. And in most cases, can provide you (Continued on Page 2) Round Rock Ranch - January 2014


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