Bella Vista - February 2014

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February 2014

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

Volume 6, Issue 2

BOARD REPORT The Board met on January 8, and minutes will be posted to the Bella Vista website (www.bellavista-hoa. com/bellavista/home.asp) after Board approval in February. Scanning those minutes is a great way to see what the Board does on your behalf, and you can also attend Board meetings. Self-Storage Facility – The excavation noise should end in March, and we have other good news in a separate article inside. Trash Collection – Important news is covered in a separate article, but the net result is all residents will get recycling at no additional cost, and those who already recycle will see a slight reduction in cost. Limited Annexation – It was supposed to be a simple redirection of tax dollars, and the vast majority of residents signed on. In addition to property taxes paid to our municipal utility district, we also pay 10 cents per $100 of assessed value to Volente Fire Department, through Emergency Services District 14. That money, if annexed, would have gone to Cedar Park instead. You probably heard that the deal fell through. There wasn’t enough time to resolve negotiation snags, so we’ll regroup and try again. Budgeting – We finished 2013 well within budget and

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are now in budget season. The approved 2014 budget is included. It will include several new maintenance and beautification items, including some rock/ gravel landscaping, tree lighting for the pool/parking area, painting in the pool area, and potential capital improvements at the park. Xeriscaping – The Board put off finalizing its proposed Xeriscaping policy and plans to take that up in February. Fence Repair – The August newsletter said many fences need maintenance to comply with deed restrictions but that we granted a reprieve during the summer heat. Now Spring upon us, so there’s no excuse. Warning letters will start going out in April. Facebook – Our very active Facebook group (www. is a fun way to socialize and participate in the community. It’s also a fast and easy way for the Board to share information, so we encourage you to join. Group membership is up to 217, but with 301 households many are still missing out. Monthly Board meetings begin at 6pm at the RealManage office (10800 Pecan Park Blvd, Suite 100) on the first Wednesday of each month, and a notice will be posted on the Bella Vista website at least 3 days before the meeting.

Bella Vista Bulletin - February 2014


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