Chelsea Harbour - February 2014

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The Harbour


Official Newsletter of the Chelsea Harbour Homeowners Association


ur vehicles in th street, which PLEASE park yo es parked in the cl hi ve of n tio es nts while To prevent cong s and cause accide or hb ig ne ur yo courts and are a nuisance to from the tennis d an to g in el av tr the children are s. nd reets for extended playgrou parked in the st or ed or st es cl hi enforcement as Any ve y of Fort Bend nt ou C to t ec bj is prohibited to time are su e association. It th om fr t en em ed vehicles well as enforc mercial or oversiz m co , le ab er op sident to park or store in sibility of each re on sp re e th is It . d to be in the community ed restrictions, an de d an es nc na di or reets. Do abide by the city parking in the st le hi w s or hb ig or’s r ne courteous of thei in front of a neighb rk pa t no do , ss ay acce ailboxes. Always not block drivew in front of the m rk pa t no do d not in use. residence, an or driveway while ge ra ga e th in e cl ide a safer park your vehi matter will prov us rio se is th in n d a courtesy Your cooperatio ur community an yo in n re ild ch e th environment for s. to your neighbor Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Volume 5, Issue 2

NCE E F D N A X O B MAIL CE MAINTENAbeN n is tter days? The su

of fence seen time and that Has your mailbox s outside all the ay st at th ng hi ain all parts hard on anyt You must maint . es nc fe d an es decayed includes mailbox ued to homes with iss e ar ns tio ita C cost of a of your property. Save yourself the . es nc fe d an es ox es are so or unsightly mailb . Some iron fenc ox lb ai m ur yo rbish neighborhood we citation and refu the frame. In our off ll fa rs ba e th n Series. You can rusted that lled the Olde Tow ca e yl st e th in es ompany. Both use mailbox ection Supply C rf Pe at lly ca lo s dically. Look find new boxe ed painting perio ne es nc fe n iro r pair both! mailboxes and ou hire to paint or re to ne eo m so r fo in this newsletter

WATCH THE WEA THER AND YOUR REC YCLING The first week of 20 14 saw our recy

cle collection day lan a holiday. Many pe d on ople put out their re cycling to be collect and then just left it ed curbside when it wa s not picked up. Col weather and strong d winds came in that Sunday and much the curbside recycli of ng blew down the str eets and into the lak Please pay attention e. to the weather and do not put recycle bins full of paper out du ring high winds. Yo ur trash ends up in neighbor’s yard, in your the retention area an d in the lake. Trash the lake can get suck in ed up by the founta in pumps and destr the pump. The foun oy tain pumps are very expensive to replac Be a good neighbor e. and pay attention to the weather wh you put out your tra en sh and recycling.

The Harbour - February 2014


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