Davenport Ranch
Volume 10, Number 2 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association
February 2014 www.DavenportRanch.org
Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Survey This past year, a Community Relations committee was organized with new board members dedicated to improving neighborhood communications. To hear about current happening within the neighborhood (social events, meetings, presentations, etc), please join the new Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Facebook page at www.facebook.com/austindrna or our Twitter page at www.twitter.com/AustinDRNA. Our main website services
can be found at http://hoasites.goodwintx.com/dna/Home.aspx The committee is also trying to build a more comprehensive and accurate database of Davenport residents. This is vital to improving community communications in 2014. If you have not returned the survey mailed to you last month, please consider filling it out and returning it to our management office, see address below. Thanks!
Name(s): _______________________________________
Are you interested in volunteering? _____ Yes _____ No
· If yes, please specify area(s) of interest: ___________
Address: _______________________________________
Comments, thoughts or suggestions for the DRNA Board: _______________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Telephone Numbers: Landline: ________________________________________ Mobile: _________________________________________ Preferred Communication Method, please circle one · Letter · Email · Phone Areas you would like to hear about or see more of: · Neighborhood watch/safety · Neighborhood social gatherings or groups · Firewise Prevention Program · Other, please specify: ________________________ ______________________________________________
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Send to: Goodwin Management, Inc., Attention: Earline Wakefield | 11149 Research Blvd., Austin, Texas 78759 Note: Information provided will be used for DRNA purposes only. Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.
Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - February 2014