Pemberton Heights - February 2014

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association


Betty Trent The Annual Holiday Carriage Rides went off without a hitch last December 15th on a brisk Sunday evening. Neighbors were driven around Pemberton in eight carriages drawn by Percherons and Clydesdales, as illuminated as the holiday lights they passed. Fortified by hot chocolate, Maine Root sodas, cookies and brownies, Pembertonians enjoyed a wide display of amazing lights and elaborate decorations put up by the neighbors along Harris and adjacent streets. Thanks to Nikki Faulkner and Laura Bennett for pulling this event off in high hat style. Thanks to all the neighbors who decorated so beautifully this year, their efforts were enjoyed by all. Thanks also go to Frost Bank for donating bottled water and mini-flashlights for the children. If interested in organizing next year’s Carriage Rides, please contact Kimberly Comstock at

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

F ebruary 2014, Vol V, I ssue II

Pemberton Heights Behind the Garden Gate Garden Tour Needs Your Garden 2014 Behind the Garden Gate Tour: Call for Volunteers! Last year’s garden tour was such a success, organizers are getting ready to build on that success and make it even better this spring. Loretta Fischer has again volunteered to head up the committee and start planning this year’s tour scheduled for Sunday, May 4th. Please volunteer to help plan or to open your garden that Sunday from Noon to 4pm. The Tour will be open to Pemberton Heights' residents and their guests only. The tour is intended to introduce current and wouldbe gardeners to each other and educate neighbors on gardening fundamentals and opportunities in our challenging environment. Come see what other gardeners are doing in the neighborhood and get involved. You may contact Loretta Fischer at 512-771-4319 or

The Pemberton Journal - February 2014


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