Bella Vista - March 2014

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March 2014

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

The Board met on February 5, and minutes will be posted to the Bella Vista website ( bellavista/home.asp) after Board approval in March. Self-Storage Facility – The excavation noise continues but should end in March. Safety – Some homeowners complained of speeding along Argento, Lombardi Way, and other streets in the neighborhood, and others have complained about parking along Corabella. We are looking into speed bump options and also discussed the parking problem but with no solid proposals yet. Fire safety is discussed in a separate article inside. Budgeting – We finished 2013 well under budget and started planning for capital improvements in 2014. Under consideration are a drainage solution at Plaza Bella entry, spring mulching, rock/gravel landscaping, landscape lighting for the pool/parking area, painting in the pool area, install play-scape cover and replace damaged rubber edging, and a pavilion at the park. We discussed a sport court and other

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Volume 6, Issue 3

play area ideas for teens but were unable to come up with workable options. Xeriscaping – The Board received a proposed Xeriscaping policy from the attorneys and is in process of personalizing it for Bella Vista with redlining changes. A final policy is expected in the May-June timeframe. Fence Repair – With springtime weather getting us out more, there’s no excuse for those with fences needing maintenance, so warning letters will start going out in April. Facebook – Our very active Facebook group (www. is a fun way to socialize and participate in the community. It’s also a fast and easy way for the Board to share information, so we encourage you to join. Group membership keeps going up and is now at 218, but with 301 households some are still missing out. Monthly Board meetings begin at 6pm at the RealManage office (10800 Pecan Park Blvd, Suite 100) on the first Wednesday of each month, and a notice will be posted on the Bella Vista website at least 3 days before the meeting.

Bella Vista Bulletin - March 2014


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