The Grapevine March 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3
The Grapevine
Official Publication of Sonoma Homeowners Association
Sonoma HOA 2014 Social Events The Social Committee has put together another fun filled year of activities for your family. If you are looking to gather with your neighbors or make new friends-come out and be Social March 22, 2014 Neighborhood Garage Sale April 12, 2014 Spring Fling Barefoot Park 11am-1pm *Please bring a basket for the Easter Egg Hunt! May 25, 2014 Kids Pool Party at Barefoot Pool 1pm-4pm July 4, 2014 Music by the Barefoot Pool July 26, 2014 Movie at Barefoot Pool *Movie choice pending
August 2014 HOA Annual Meeting Date Still TBA September 1, 2014 Music by the Barefoot Pool September 27, 2014 Neighborhood Garage Sale October 25, 2014 Halloween Party at Barefoot Park 3pm-5pm December 6, 2014 Santa Claus returns to Barefoot Pool 11am-1pm
We need your help to make a successful event. If you can volunteer your time for any event, please contact Cyndi Wasserboehr, or 512-294-2183.
Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine - March 2014