Stone Canyon - March 2014

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

March 2014

Volume 9, Issue 3

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association

SCHOA SURVEY RESULTS The 2014 Stone Canyon Home Owners Association survey results are in and Stone Canyon makes good marks! You believe that our neighborhood is better than others and are very happy with the amenities of the pool and the beauty of our landscaping and signage. You also enjoy the various activities offered throughout the year. You are getting the information you need either through reading the newsletter or from the StoneCanyonoa. org website – and almost half have of you have now joined our Stone Canyon Facebook page. We did notice that a number of you were not aware of some of our activities such as Breakfast with Santa and National Night Out and that many of you have never attended a Stone Canyon Home Owners Association Board meeting. We’re committed to making sure these activities and others are publicized well in advance this year and encourage you to continue reading the newsletter and to join and use our Facebook page.

Stone Canyon is rated better than other neighborhoods. Residents are very happy with the amenities of the pool, landscaping and signage offered in our community and enjoy the various activities offered throughout the year. Stone Canyon compared to other communi8es in which you have lived

Sa8sfac8on with Ameni8es and Ac8vi8es DissaCsfied



Worse, 5% StoneCanyon/?ref=br_tf Thank you for all who took the time to provide your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have new ideas to share or feedback to give that will ensure Stone Canyon continues to be a neighborhood we are all proud to call home. -- Tina Riquelmy

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Same, 28%


13% 9%



77% 84%

Boulders and Signage 5% 11% Pool



Breakfast with Santa 3%

Landscaping and Swings




NaConal Night Out 2%



Yard of the Month 10% Architectural Control CommiJee



Neighborhood Watch 5%

Be#er than others 67%



Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - March 2014


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