Bella Vista - May 2014

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May 2014

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

The Board met on April 2, and minutes will be posted to the Bella Vista website ( asp) after Board approval in May. Annual Meeting – Mark your calendars for this important meeting. It’s scheduled for 7 pm on May 21 at the RealManage office, and you should receive an Annual Meeting packet in early May with the logistics, agenda, and instructions for electronic voting. One thing we plan to share with residents is capital and park improvement ideas to gauge community interest. Electronic Voting – HOA members will vote this year on 3 open Board positions, but if you just can’t attend, you’ll now have a way to vote online. E-voting is described inside as convenient and a great time saver. It also increases participation and helps ensure we have a quorum, thus avoiding the cost and effort of a repeat election if not enough people show up. Xeriscaping – A finalized Xeriscaping policy is still on track for the May-June timeframe, and highlights are included in this newsletter.

Volume 6, Issue 5

Annexation – The City and MUDs continue to negotiate toward a resolution on the Reserve Fund issue that stalled the most recent partial annexation effort. Fence Repair – Warning letters are starting to go out to homeowners with fences needing maintenance, so take care of that during our nice spring weather to avoid the hassle. Maintenance – Occasionally reading the minutes is a good way to keep track of Board activities, including all of the maintenance on common areas that benefit the entire community. In March, one light pole and three manhole covers were repaired, the large sewer overflow tank on Campanello was secured due to Homeland Security measures, five irrigation leaks were fixed, the pool phone and side gate were repaired, and the pool itself was prepared and opened for the Summer season. Facebook – Four new members joined our very active Facebook group this month ( We’re now up to 226, but with 301 households, some people are still missing out on this fun way to socialize and participate in the community.

Monthly Board meetings begin at 6pm at the RealManage office (10800 Pecan Park Blvd, Suite 100) on the first Wednesday of each month, and a notice is posted on the Bella Vista website at least 3 days before the meeting.

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Bella Vista Bulletin - May 2014


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