JULY 2014
TWIN CREEKS Neighborhood Watch With summer in full swing and many neighbors taking vacations, it’s important we all look out for one another. Vacation should be a time to relax and not worry about what is going on at home. Let a neighbor know if: • You are leaving town. • Someone will be at your house that normally is not. • You need help making your home look occupied: • keeping your yard maintained • picking-up newspapers • putting out trash/recycle bins • parking in your driveway occasionally Other methods of protecting your home may be a little extra work up front, but can save you much heartache in the long run: • Install timers for interior and exterior lights. • Have your mail delivery held. • Stop newspaper delivery. Even if you take every precaution you can think of, nothing beats having a person check your home every day or two while you are gone. Whether it’s a neighbor, relative or friend, having someone you trust keep an eye on things will help you enjoy your vacation all the more!
Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.
SAFETY TIP FOR JULY Watch out for your neighbors. Let your neighbors know if they have left their garage door open or their vehicle is running. Also let your neighbors know if you have been a victim of any type of crime so that they are aware of criminal activity in our neighborhood.
BLOCK CAPTAIN POSITIONS STILL NEEDED We have just a few remaining streets without Block Captains. Contact the Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons, Brian & Shannon Tweedt, at tweedts@gmail. com to discuss volunteering. Block Captains for the following streets are still needed: The Park: Tattler Dr. The Reserve: Granite Ct, Millstream, & Sugar Maple The Gardens: 3000-3020 Heathmount Dr.
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2014