Bella Vista - August 2014

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August 2014

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

The Board met on July 9 and minutes will be posted to the Bella Vista website after Board approval in August. The Board was pleased to appoint Sam Stephens as Director who will fill Wayne’s remaining term. Sam has owned a home in Bella Vista since 2010 and he also owns a business in Coupland, Texas. Pool – The new pool policy is provided in this issue and new signs will be posted at the pool in August. State law requires an emergency telephone be available at the pool; however, the current equipment is not working properly and will be replaced later this summer. Annexation – The Board is pleased to report that the City of Cedar Park is offering full purpose annexation to Bella Vista and Twin Creeks which will cost each homeowner less than the current MUD & ESD annual taxes. Since this is a voluntary annexation, petition signatures of 50% of all “property owners” will be required. Upon annexation all City services will be provided including Fire, Police, Animal Control, Street Maintenance, Street Light Electricity, Code Enforcement,

Volume 6, Issue 8

Parks and Library access. We will also be allowed to vote in every election, run for office and serve on City related Boards and Commissions. Bella Vista’s HOA will remain in place to manage the common areas, amenities and deed restriction violations. More details will be provided in the coming weeks so please be alert for additional correspondence and community meeting notices. Storage Development – The sidewalk along Dies Ranch Road has been extended beyond the entrance to the new storage facility by the developer. However, the sidewalk will not be fully complete until the remaining property is developed. Activities – The Calcote family is leaving Bella Vista; therefore, we are in need of a new Recreation Committee Chair. Please contact one of the Board members if you are interested in this great opportunity to serve the community. Website – The Board is investigating a redesign of the current website which would make it easier to use andlocate information.

NOTE NEW LOCATION: Monthly Board meetings begin at 6pm at the RealManage office, 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Suite 150, Bldg G, Austin TX 78729 (next to Lifetime Fitness on RR 620 service road) on the first Wednesday of each month, and a notice is posted on the Bella Vista website at least 3 days before the meeting.

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Bella Vista Bulletin - August 2014


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