Davenport Ranch
Volume 10, Number 8 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association
August 2014 www.DavenportRanch.org
Traffic Calming Meeting Summary In May, there was a special meeting held to discuss traffic issues in our neighborhood and ways to improve the situation for homeowners. The meeting was organized and led by John Soyring of the Davenport Ranch HOA Board and was advertised through our social media sites as well as email. After taking questions and comments from the many homeowners who turned out for this meeting, a representative from the City of Austin enlightened the group as to the history of traffic study in Davenport as well as what options we might have given our statistics. The traffic issues raised by homeowners include, but were not limited to, the following: • An abundance of outside vehicles passing through the Waymaker Way/Riva Ridge corridor to bypass 360 rush-hour traffic. Neighbors feel that there is a great deal of speeding and cars not stopping at stop signs as well. • Difficulty turning onto 360 from Waymaker Way due to heavy traffic as well as U-turners on 360, who cause further confusion at that intersection. • Long cues at the Westlake Dr./360 traffic light at rush hour, exacerbated by the cut-through traffic attempting to re-enter Hwy 360. The city engineer also shared with us some findings from the traffic study that was conducted two years ago by the city. Below are some of the main points: • The average speed of cars traveling down Riva Ridge was found by traffic sensors to be 31 mph (speed limit is 30mph), a speed not considered dangerous by the city. • The city considers a traffic light at the intersection of Waymaker Way and 360 to be something of a hazard because of the limited visibility of northbound 360 traffic coming over the hill. • Gating our community, a topic that comes up regularly: This idea is next to impossible due to the fact that we have been annexed by the City of Austin already, we would require half a dozen gates to fully gate the community (very costly to accomplish and maintain), and the city uses some of our roads as an emergency
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fire escape for Westlake Hills in the event of a large wildfire. The Rob Roy neighborhood, the community that many Davenport residents turn to as an example, had not been annexed by the City of Austin when they decided to gate their community, and they have only two gates to their neighborhood. Despite these findings, there are things that we can do to reinvigorate the cause to do something to mitigate the traffic problems in and around Davenport. At the meeting, task force committees were formed by members of the neighborhood to help tackle the various aspects of this effort. The traffic task force committees are 1) Riva Ridge traffic calming led by Shiela Walker 2) Waymaker Way/360 intersection safety led by Hal Frost 3) Westlake Dr/360 intersection traffic flow led by Mike Ayer 4) Signage solutions led by Chuck Munson 5) Street privatization possibilities led by Tony Fonk. If you are interested in joining your neighbors to find a solution to these problems, please let the committee leaders know by expressing your interest on the traffic conversation thread of our Facebook site, where we hope to focus our communications with one another. To join the traffic conversation thread, first “like” the DRNA Facebook site, then click on the “Forum” tab at the top of the site (if you don’t see it, click on the “More” tab and the Forum tab should be an option). Let’s work together to make our neighborhood safer! Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - August 2014
NEW BAKER 4 DR SENIOR PATROL OFFICER President: Darrell Grayson .......................................... 512-947-5242 Larry Eisenberg....................................... Larry@CTXIG.com ..........................................Darrell.Grayson@ci.austin.tx.us Vice Presidents: EMERGENGY Joe Thrash, Architectural Review...........jthrash@austin.rr.com Police and Fire Emergencies.......................................... 9-1-1 John Soyring..............................................john@soyring.com Reports/Non-Emergencies................................................311 Marc Alcedo.............................................. Malcedo@me.com HOSPITALS Shiela Walker..................................... shielagwalker@gmail.com South Austin Hospital (10 miles).................... 512-447-2211 Treasurer: 901 W. Ben White Blvd Don Neville................................ Don.Neville@Tatumllc.com Brackenridge Hospital..................................... 512-324-7000 Secretary: 601 15th Street Mercedes Frost............................... mercedesfrost@gmail.com Seton Hospital (10.5 miles)............................. 512-324-1000 Association Manager corner of 35th and Medical Pkwy - best choice for serious problems Earline Wakefield............... earline.wakefield@goodwintx.com Children's Hospital of Austin (13 miles)......... 512-324-8000 I-35 and 15th MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Seton Northwest (10 miles)............................. 512-324-6000 Goodwin Management, Inc 11113 Research (183 N just past Braker) North Austin Hospital (8.5 miles)................... 512-901-1000 11149 Research, Suite 100 • Austin,Texas 78759-5227 Mopac and Parmer Office 512 502-7526 • Cell: 512 470-5104 • Fax: 512 346-4873 Heart Hospital ............................................... 512-407-7000 PRESIDENT DAVENPORT RANCH 3801 N. Lamar Urgent Care day and after hours: NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER BOARD Austin Regional Clinic – FarWest.................... 512-346-6611 Meredith Landry.................................................tejas42@aol.com 6835 Austin Center Blvd Poison Control............................................. 1-800-222-1222 ANIMAL CONTROL Envirocare Pest Control................................... 512-416-9191 Animal Pick up (dead animals) ...............................494-9400 Animal Control (pick up stray or injured)...............972-6060 Barking Dog ....................................................................311 UTILITIES Austin Energy Customer Service..................... 512-494-9400 Austin Water Utility........................................ 512-494-9400 Texas Gas Service Customer Service................ 800-700-2443 Time Warner Cable Customer Service............. 512-485-5555 Phone Payments.......................................... 512-485-6500 SBC 24-hr Info Line:................................... 1-888-294-8433 Residential Phone Ordering:..................... 1-800-464-7928 Residential Phone Repair:......................... 1-800-246-8464 Peel_BC.indd 1 5/8/2014 5:16:40 PM MISCELLANEOUS Goodwin Management, Inc........................... 512- 502-7517 Abandoned Cars......................................................280-0075 Airport- A.B.I.A. Flight Info. .................................530-2242 Garbage Collection.................................................494-9400 Lost mailbox key, Jim Howe; jimhowe@cox.net......844-4222 Streetlight Problem .................................................505-7617 Street Signs: Bridge & Street, Sam West..................974-8775 Street Sign Replacement..........................................457-4885 Hazardous Waste ....................................................974-4343 NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Inc...........................................................512-263-9181 2
Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - August 2014
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Davenport Ranch Home Improvement Projects Require ARB Approval There has recently been a proliferation of projects, both within the bounds of the Davenport deed restrictions and some outside of them, that have been started without first seeking approval from the Architectural Review Board. Please remember that you MUST first apply and receive approval from the ARB before you commence on a home improvement project to avoid unnecessary fines and fees. It is both time and cost effective to follow this procedure so that you know your project can proceed smoothly and not be subject to halting or, in the extreme case, removal of work that was already completed because it does not meet neighborhood building guidelines set forth in our CC&Rs. So, what types of remodels, renovations, or landscaping work need approval from the ARB, and how does a homeowner receive approval to start the process? All exterior remodels and renovations, as well as some interior ones, that change the existing look of your home or other structures on the property need approval from the Architectural Review Board before you begin work. Landscape
work that creates new beds or requires the installation of hardscape also requires approval. It is always best to check with our property manager, Earline Wakefield at earline.wakefield@goodwintx.com or (512) 502-7526, when in doubt. An overview of the process and the Davenport CC&Rs can be found on our website, www.goodwintx. com (select Davenport Ranch Neighborhood from the drop-down menu) and the ARB Review forms can be found there as well. The ARB Review form will contain further information about the fees, deposits and processes that you must follow throughout your project. What exactly is the Architectural Review Board (ARB)? The Architectural Review Board for Davenport Ranch is comprised of volunteer homeowners and an outside, paid architect who review the construction plans submitted by homeowners prior to commencing a project on their property. The ARB ensures that the plans abide by the deed restrictions and CC&Rs for Davenport Ranch, which in turn promotes harmony, fairness, and home value preservation throughout the neighborhood.
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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - August 2014
Davenport Ranch Communications Update: FAQs on Website and Social Media We have recently added a question and answer section to the Goodwin Management website for our neighborhood, www. goodwintx.com (select Davenport Ranch Neighborhood from the drop-down menu). On the front page, there is a link to FAQs that attempt to answer the questions that we most often receive from homeowners. You will find answers to questions about your account, submitting applications to the Architectural Review Board, who to call in case of emergencies, and how to get involved in your Davenport community. Below is the list of questions that are included on the FAQ sheet. Please visit the website for the answers, since some of them require contact info and/or logins that are tied to the website anyway. • I want to improve my property. What types of remodels, renovations, or landscaping work need approval from the ARB? How do I receive approval to start the process? • What is the Architectural Review Board (ARB)?
• When/where are HOA Board meetings? Can I attend? • I see suspicious activity in my neighborhood, who do I contact? • Who handles car and truck parking issues within Davenport Ranch? • How do I log in to this website to access my account and other private information? • How do I volunteer? • Are there any social groups I can join? • Is there a public place our kids can play? • I received a violation notice and would like further information. Who can I speak to? You might also find that our social media sites are helpful in answering some of these same questions or keeping you informed of the most recent happenings in our neighborhood. Please “like” our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/austindrna and visit our Twitter account at www.twitter.com/austin DRNA to get connected.
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Political ad paid for by margie for Austin, mindy montford, Treasurer. P.o. Box 28366 Austin, TX 78755. This campaign has not agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Chapter.
Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - August 2014
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Davenport Ranch
The challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every 3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appear only once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box.
View answers online at www.peelinc.com DOWN ACROSS 1. Incline 1. Tack 2. Change 5. Giant 3. Small particle 9. Philippine dish with marinated 4. Compass point chicken or pork 5. Night bird 11. Journalist's question 6. Body snatcher 12. Tiny insects 7. Cultivate 13. Cut of beef 8. Volcano 14. School group 10. Change into bone 15. South 16. Musical productions 17. United States 18. Canadian prov. 18. Bottle need 19. Palladium (abbr.) 20. Upset 20. Many 22. Cow's chow 21. Perfect 23. Year (abbr.) 22. Captain (abbr.) 24. Computer makers 24. Institution (abbr.) 27. Brews 25. Swain 29. Sleep disorder 26. African country 31. Parent teacher groups 28. Fast plane 32. Strong rope fiber 30. Pastry 33. Bend 34. Decorative needle case © 2006. Feature Exchange
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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - August 2014
Davenport Ranch
Submitted by: Nell Trimble, Benevolence Chair for A.D.M.T.A. The Music Teachers National Association just awarded your and caption supporting President Powers was on page 2 of the local association as being the 2014 State Affiliate of the Year or 7/13 Sunday Austin American Statesman. the best in our country! In addition Dr. Sophia Gilmsom was just awarded silver in the Why? Because of “programming for students” which includes Global Music Awards for her CD of the Goldberg Variations On 20 events and “community outreach” such as Youth Music Harpsichord and Piano by Johann Sebastian Bach. Dr. Gilmsom Ambassadors which means the most opportunities for your child! is the head of Piano Pedagogy at the university here. Also, our Dr. Martha Hilley right here in Austin at the University Perhaps the most outstanding concert I have ever been to was of Texas, was selected as the Teacher of the Year for Music Teachers her performance of that work both on the piano and harpsichord. National Association. We here in Austin nominated her for that How totally different was the music on the two instruments! award and then she was selected as that first at the state level and To find a piano teacher in your area, go to www.admta.org, click then nationally! Dr. Hilley’s teaching sparkles with a fountain of on the link to “Community Resources” on the home page for our electrically inspiring ideas. She also is a writer and deeply involved new “Find a Teacher” registry with descriptions of each teacher’s on a statewide level with the governing of our colleges. Her picture program in their studios.
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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - August 2014
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Davenport Ranch At no time will any source be allowed to use the Davenport Ranch Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Davenport Ranch Homeowners Association and Peel Inc. The information in the Davenport Ranch Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Davenport Ranch residents only.
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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - August 2014
Davenport Ranch
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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - August 2014
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