September 2014
Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association
The Board met on August 7 and minutes will be posted to the Bella Vista website after Board approval in September. Pool – The new pool policy was adopted and new signs have been installed along with a new emergency telephone as required by law. The Board is investigating options to address the lack of turf under the trees at the pool entrance. Annexation – The Board members are working hard to obtain signatures for 50% of the Bella Vista property owners to ensure annexation. However, there are several other milestones that must be met before annexation can be completed. The City will need to validate signatures on the petitions, conduct several public meetings as required by law and secure final adoption by the City Council near the end of the year. If we are successful, city services will begin on January 1, 2015 and include Fire, Police, Animal Control, Street Maintenance, Street Light Electricity, Code Enforcement, Parks and Library access.
Volume 6, Issue 9
We will also be allowed to vote in elections, run for office and serve on City related Boards and Commissions. However the new lower tax rate will be effective in 2016 since property taxes are paid in arrears. The Bella Vista HOA will remain in place to manage the common areas and amenities which are owned by the HOA. Storage Development – The neighborhood team is working with the Dies Ranch Storage developer to ensure proper landscaping will be installed along the sidewalk along Dies Ranch. Deed Restrictions – The Board is working with RealManage to ensure that future letters reference the correct section of the DCCRs, include appropriate corrective actions and timeline for resolution. Activities – Please contact one of the Board members if you are interested in serving on the Recreation committee.
BOARD MEETING LOCATION: Monthly Board meetings begin at 6pm at the RealManage office, 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Suite 150, Bldg G, Austin TX 78729 (next to Lifetime Fitness on RR 620 service road) on the first Wednesday of each month, and a notice is posted on the Bella Vista website at least 3 days before the meeting.
Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.
Bella Vista Bulletin - September 2014